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slang Marijuana. A shortening of "broccoli," another term for marijuana. Man, this coli is some powerful stuff—I feel so good right now. Oh, you could definitely smell coli in the air at the concert. I could tell from his red eyes and goofy behavior that he had been smoking coli again.
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


and broccoli (ˈbɑk ə li and ˈkɑli)
n. marijuana. (Drugs. From broccoli.) Who got into my stash and took the coli? Don’t forget your broccoli! Love them vegetables!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
coli can cause illness that can last from two to eight days.
COLI's standalone rating reflects the company's strong contracted sales of HKD200 billion for 8M18 (12M17: HKD232 billion) and its ability to maintain a strong EBITDA margin, which expanded due to stringent cost control, whereby selling, distribution and administrative expenses fell to 3.5% of revenue in 2017, from 4.0% in 2016.
coli, it can infect your intestines and cause a wide range of serious health complications.
coli pathotypes among children with diarrhea in Wasit province, Iraq by multiplex PCR, and assessing the antimicrobial susceptibility profile of diarrheagenic E.
Among both the gram positive and gram-negative bacteria causing UTI in humans, the most frequent in the community are Escherichia coli and other Enterobacteriacae, which account for approximately 75% of the isolates.1,2 Another growing concern is emergence of extended spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL) producing bacteria that hydrolyze the Extended-Spectrum cephalosporins.
coli without affecting the organoleptic properties of treated food products, concluded the company.
coli bacteria are usually spread through fecal matter reaching the mouth, so good hygiene is critical in preventing spread.
Keywords: Avian Escherichia coli; b-lactam antibiotics; ESBLs gene; PCR
For that, we designed primers (M27PP1-B-F, 5'-TTACTCC-GACTATGCGTTCAC-3'; M27PP1-B-R, 5'-CAAACTT GCCCCTGATAGCG-3'; amplicon length, 1.5 kb) to amplify the insertion site of the structure comprising the direct repeat and prophage-like genomic island of E coli PCN033, as previously described (1).
coli bacteremia to the development of colon adenocarcinoma.