cold spell

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cold spell

informal A prolonged period of particularly cold weather. This unusual cold spell is starting to have a real effect on our annual harvest. I hope this cold spell ends soon—I'm sick of being stuck inside. Did the weatherman say how long this cold spell is expected to go on for?
See also: cold, spell
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
PHOTO | ISAIAH ESIPISU | NMGBut just when they thought things would get better, the cold spell set in, affecting most parts of the country, with temperatures falling in some growing areas to 30C.
Deakin said there is a "strong likelihood that if we get the cold spell some places will see heavy snowfall."
According to officials, the mean temperature in the city was recorded at 27 degrees Celsius, humidity levels topped at 26 per cent and coastal winds blowing at around 18 km/hr were expected to decrease temperatures further.Karachi is going to be engulfed in an extremely cold spell within two days, the forecast says.
Mr Stevens said the cold spell will last between five and seven days, perhaps a little longer, with snow.
Our criteria for the adequate definition of "cold spell" constituted a combination of two components: a) the severity of temperature, expressed as a percentile or absolute measure; and b) the minimum duration of two consecutive days of the event.
Age UK's charity director Caroline Abrahams urged older people to "take basic precautions" during the cold spell, and called on the Government to "commit to improving the energy efficiency of homes across the country" in a bid to end preventable winter deaths.
It is said the guava orchids on about 8000 acres have suffered a lot due to ongoing cold spell. Mahotta, Agani, Paroo Bhutto, Chooharpur and other villages have been suffering extreme cold as they are near the Indus River.
Clouds are likely to accumulate over the easterly parts of the Arabian Gulf on Tuesday driven by strong, high-speed north-westerly winds which will bring a cold spell as temperatures drop below the normal monthly average for this month.
Clouds are likely to accumulate over the easterly parts of the Arabian Gulf on Tuesday January 7, 2014 driven by strong, high-speed north-westerly winds which bring a cold spell as temperatures drop below the normal monthly average for this month.
Summary: As the cold spell continues to grip Britain - it is not just humans who are making the most of the snowy weather.
Chinese travellers and foreign tourists travelling in China have had their plans disrupted by the cold spell that is blighting the country.
The capital Delhi is also affected by the cold spell, with temperatures dipping to 7C and fog disrupting flight schedules.
Summary: Morocco will have to import more cereals and raw sugar as drought and an unusually long cold spell have curbed crop cultivation, the head of the agriculture industry said on Friday.
The big upswing correlates with a really nasty cold spell in much of Europe.