(as) accommodating as a hog on ice

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(as) accommodating as a hog on ice

Very unpleasant or bad-tempered. I'm not surprised he said no to your request—he's about as accommodating as a hog on ice. Can you get Mary in Payroll to help me out? She seems to love you, but when it comes to me, she's as accommodating as a hog on ice. Thank you so much for your help, ma'am. That last girl I talked to was accommodating as a hog on ice.
See also: accommodating, hog, ice, on
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

as accommodating as a hog on ice

Very disagreeable. An old New England expression that imparts a very clear message: swine don't like being very cold any more than people do.
See also: accommodating, hog, ice, on
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price Copyright © 2011 by Steven D. Price
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