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v. accommo·dated, accommo·dating, accommo·dates
a. To have enough space for: a parking lot big enough to accommodate buses.
b. To provide lodging for: We looked for a hotel to accommodate the extra guests.
2. To take into consideration or make adjustments for; allow for: an economic proposal that accommodates the interests of senior citizens.
a. To do a favor or service for; oblige.
b. To provide for; supply with something needed: accommodated the expedition with supplies.
4. To make suitable; adapt or adjust: accommodated herself to her new surroundings.
1. To adapt oneself; become adjusted: It is never easy to accommodate to social change.
2. Physiology To become adjusted, as the eye to focusing on objects at a distance.

ac·com′mo·da′tive adj.
ac·com′mo·da′tor n.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Patient discussion about accommodate

Q. My mind is getting confused now and i am losing on my focus. why is this change happening in me? I am a bipolar for the past 1 year. With the help of the medicines my episodes has come down. My mood is good and stable. Even my friends say that I am well as compared to previous years. But since last week I am not able to sleep well. My disrupted and reduced sleep is making me stressed. I just get 2-3 hours of sleep at night. After my lunch my tiredness starts again. My mind is getting confused now and I am losing on my focus. Why is this change happening in me?

A. There are some possibilities that you are not taking your diet in time or your diet may not be nutritious as per your requirements. This can cause you to have increased stress and you can lose your sleep. This may increase the tiredness. Check if you are taking your medicines in right time. This can also be due to your stress. You may have stress due to your lifestyle too, which needs to be well managed in a healthy way. You can meet your doctor, as any increase in stress due to sleep deprivation can raise the chances of episodes to return back.

Q. Is there a verity of exercises i can do with my child that would be helpful for him to be more focused and relaxed and by that help him to control the ADHD effects ?

A. from our experience - any activity is a good activity...if he feels hyperactive during homework or studying, going out and running around the block will be enough for him. if he can't do that, doing push ups, situps, and even jumping in one place can help- although i must say it is irritating as hell... try practicing also breathing techniques in order to relax.

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References in periodicals archive ?
ESL consultation can be delivered to general education teachers in two ways--directly or indirectly--depending on the general education teachers' comfort level, the degree and intensity of the needs for assistance, and the level of general education teachers working knowledge on accommodating ELLs.
See, Zeitlin, " A Test of Faith: Accommodating Religious Employees: Work-Related Misconduct in the United States and Canada," 15 Com.
It is apparent that the prepaid model is long-term oriented and works at promoting value to the purchaser of health care, while the FFS model is short-term oriented and works at accommodating the health care provider.
Results of path analyses indicated general support for the relationships proposed by CAT, in that accommodating behavior was labelled more positively and resulted in more positive evaluations of speakers.
For reporters and many members of the public, ADA is about accommodating these people, on the job, on the bus and in other public places.
The 100,000 s/f complex encompasses a maintenance hangar capable of accommodating three A320 aircraft and a two-story office facility that accommodates more than 250 airline employees.
Riter, the appellate panel concluded that Congress could create a law accommodating religion without violating the separation of church and state.
Anson (1997) further clarified transparency as software programs that operate so intuitively that the user can concentrate on tasks at hand rather than be concerned with accommodating functions.
As much as schools want to be gender sensitive and accommodating, right now many are Limited by a shortage of dorms and a tack of funds to build more.