accommodate (oneself) to (something)

(redirected from accommodated to)

accommodate (oneself) to (something)

To assimilate or adjust to a new environment or a different set of rules or expectations. The new student struggled to accommodate himself to the new school and often got in trouble as a result. If you're going to live with us, you need to accommodate yourself to our rules. It took time for our adopted daughter to accommodate herself to life in this country.
See also: accommodate, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

accommodate oneself to something

to adapt oneself to something, such as someone else's needs or a new environment. Please try to accommodate yourself to our routine.
See also: accommodate, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
Now, with us, reason and intelligence are the end of nature; our production, therefore, and our manners ought to be accommodated to both these.
To prevent, therefore, giving offence to their customers by any such disappointment, it hath been usual with the honest and well-meaning host to provide a bill of fare which all persons may peruse at their first entrance into the house; and having thence acquainted themselves with the entertainment which they may expect, may either stay and regale with what is provided for them, or may depart to some other ordinary better accommodated to their taste.