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slang A shortening of "ridiculous." A: "I heard they want you to take summer classes." B: "I know, isn't it ridic?" It is just so ridic and hurtful that you would think I'd like this for my birthday!
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.


mod. ridiculous. What nonsense! That’s so ridic!
McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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References in periodicals archive ?
I am opposed to the changes on the basis that many - such as lol, ridic and thanx, are merely abbreviations.
* If your mind wanders to something that's been stressing you out-a ridic fight with your bestie, a huge upcoming exam--acknowledge it, and then bring your attention back to your breath and refocus to stay in the present moment.
School run parents drive like crazed lunatics and if their parking endangers children's lives fine them a third time AGENT BLASTS DWP AS BENEFITS STREET STAR WHITE DEE HAS BENEFITS FROZEN Fay Wedgbury So they bloody shud , I work full time and can't afford a holiday so its ridic she can on bloody benefits!!!
3 Bear Grylls Survival Academy For the ridic price of PS2,999 you get to survive off insects, sleep standing up in the rain and learn 'survival knife skills'.
You're flattered, but you've heard the role's responsibilities are ridic. What's your move?
Raymond S Cliff, Knowle I AGREE that the police should follow the rules but what I find even more absurd is that the Mail decided to put such a ridic l -ulous story on the front page.
With no one there to see your ridic antics, you're free to unleash a li'l crazy.
On twitter, James ranted: "Does Alan Partridge run ITV nowadays?" He then added his own ridic ideas, including Stars & the Sun, where celebs are sent to the sun to see how long they can last, and Celebrity Face Punch, giving the public the chance to belt a VIP.
This guy doesn't have a ridic memory--he's keeping tabs on your life because he wants to be a bigger part of it.