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Ridha Saidi a par ailleurs appele le syndicat de la securite republicaine a presenter des preuves a ces accusations, sinon il va etre suivi par la justice.
Among the participants in the meeting are khemaies Ksila Boujemaa Remili, Ridha Belhaj, Chawket Khaled Abdelaziz Kotti, Fatma Mseddi Faouzi Elloumi, Ismail Mahmoud Ben Moncef Sellami Mohamed Fadhel Jaziri and other members of the Political Committee and cadres of the party.
Selon Ridha Nasri, une grande majorite des forces de securite libyennes qui assure la securite du point de passage de Ras Jedir s'est retiree, dimanche 18 mai 2014,et affirme, a ce propos , qu'un renfort securitaire compose des agents de la douane tunisienne, de l'armee et des agents de securite a ete deploye.
The two credit agreements, worth 316 million dollars over a 15-year period for the benefit of the Tunisian-Indian Fertilisers Company, were signed before by TIFERT representative Ridha Ben Mosbah and EIB official Bernard Gordon and IDB official Sidi Mohamed Ould Taleb.
Relevant que la menace terroriste reste elevee dans les neuf mois a venir, Ridha Sfar souligne la necessite d'une coordination efficace entre les services de renseignement et les unites sur terrain.
Ridha Belhaj announced his resignation, Monday morning, in a post on his Facebook page, pointing out that he had met with the President of the Republic to affirm to him "that his mission as director of the presidential office has reached its objectives and that he is willing to have a pause for reflection before resuming activities in the public life and political action."
Dans une declaration a Africanmanager Ridha Bouzouada a egalement releve que les estimations des reserves sont basees sur des etudes geophysiques et non pas sur la base de forages de puits comme c'est le cas pour le petrole .
Summary: Minister of Trade and Handicrafts Ridha Touiti conferred, on Wednesday in Tunis, with Brazilian Minister of Development, Industry and External Trade Miguel Jorge, who is leading a businessmen delegation on a trip in North Africa.