from the ridiculous to the sublime

(redirected from ridiculous to the sublime)

from the ridiculous to the sublime

From something silly, foolish, or absurd to something exceptional or beautiful. Less common than "from the sublime to the ridiculous." I was pleasantly surprised by the ending to that play—it really took things from the ridiculous to the sublime. Teaching preschool is inherently pretty comical, but when a child gives you a big hug at the end of the day, it helps to take things from the ridiculous to the sublime. No, there's nothing that could take this utterly bizarre day from the ridiculous to the sublime!
See also: ridiculous, sublime, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

ridiculous to the sublime, from the

There is surprisingly little difference between the wonderful and the extremely silly. The expression linking “ridiculous” and “sublime” originated with Tom Paine in The Age of Reason (1794): “The sublime and the ridiculous are often so nearly related that it is difficult to class them separately. One step above the sublime makes the ridiculous, and one step above the ridiculous makes the sublime again.” Napoleon, who admired Paine, repeated it in French about 1812; his version was translated as “From the sublime to the ridiculous there is only one step.” The two qualities have been paired in this way ever since.
See also: ridiculous, to
The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
And now, from the ridiculous to the sublime even more ridiculous, we announce this edition's winner of the Google Translate Award - best press release category."VALGRINE putter own a novel marriage of craft master, high technology and high technical French jewelry.
From the ridiculous to the sublime as us lot at 7DAYS are still to be found waxing our ears and scratching our heads while asking: "Did he really say that?" We are of course talking about David Moyes' suggestion that all Premier League players and coaches take a 20 per cent pay cut.
"It follows my crazy interests from the ridiculous to the sublime," he says of the show.
But it was Pires' contribution that epitomised Villa's January transformation from the ridiculous to the sublime with the former Arsenal legend departing to what seemed suspiciously like a standing ovation on 68 minutes.
The Bluebirds lie in second ahead of today's cup break and for Parkin it is case of "from the ridiculous to the sublime" in league terms after leaving a Preston side rooted to the foot of the table.
LIKE choosing keg bitter over real ale, Derek Pringle over Ian Botham or Walls ice cream over Dixons fantastic milk ices, for the second weekend in succession, Scholes 1st XI stumbled from the ridiculous to the sublime as they lost miserably at home to Slaithwaite on Saturday - bowled out for a pathetic 83 - and then won handsomely on the Sunday at Skelmanthorpe.
From the ridiculous to the sublime now - and one Barca player who has already lit up the tournament for me is Lionel Messi (right).
His transformation from the ridiculous to the sublime was emphasised in moving from 50 to 98 in just 26 balls, five of which were lifted over the ropes.
Shah's transformation from the ridiculous to the sublime was emphasised by his moving from 50 to 98 off only26balls, fiveofwhichwerehit for six.
Bruce said: "We go from the ridiculous to the sublime but the one thing we've got is a threat up front.
And then from the ridiculous to the sublime, a resident living diagonally opposite Chris has created a most unusual and eye-catching wall by cementing giant oval stones, some of which look like huge eggs, onto the top.
Whatever the shortcomings of the American presidential election process, the length of the campaigns, the intense media scrutiny and the range of issues - from the ridiculous to the sublime - it is a crucible in which serious candidates are seriously tested.
Musically, things will go from the ridiculous to the sublime this weekend.
Before you could even flip the first page of the calendar over, there have already been four major meltdowns in retail and, from the ridiculous to the sublime.