George Soros

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George Soros

A famous investor and hedge fund speculator. Born in Hungary in an Esperanto-speaking home, he fled to England and later the United States to escape Nazism. In 1970, he founded Soros Fund Management, which returned an average of 42.5% per year for the next 10 years. In 1992, he short sold more than $10 billion worth of British pounds, which forced the Bank of England to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism and to devalue the pound. He is a noted critic of unfettered free enterprise and believes that reflexivity can change the fundamentals of an economy. See also: Black Wednesday.
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The 'Stop Soros' and the constitutional amendment serve that very purpose, he continued, as they make the organisation and financing of illegal migration punishable, and prohibit the mass resettlement of immigrants on a constitutional level.
Soros also shared a link to an article entitled "How the United States can support young democracy in Armenia", published recently on the Foundation's website.
But its role grew to include looking into Facebook competitors and doing research on Soros funded campaigns.
Orban has said the protests have been partly stoked by activists paid by Soros, an accusation Soros' Open Society Foundation has denied.
"It was based on extremely poor and unprofessional journalism, and it was utterly offensive in its anti-Semitism and clear bias," Lansing wrote in the letter to Soros, a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Post.
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Many Republicans now speak often and openly of the dangers of "globalists" - but for some reason, these "globalists" tend to be Jewish financiers (Lloyd Blankfein, Gary Cohn, Janet Yellen, George Soros).
"In this climate of fear, falsehoods, and rising authoritarianism, just voicing your views can draw death threats," it said, adding that Soros "deplores violence of any kind and urges politicians across the political spectrum to tone down their rhetoric."
Financier Mr Soros, 87, said: "Britain will suffer because 45 years of successful integration with Europe will go into reverse.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Zionist billionaire George Soros made a massive $555,000 to a UK campaign that seeks to prevent Britain's pending divorce from the European Union (EU) by influencing lawmakers to vote against a final Brexit deal.