(redirected from Soroptimists International of the Americas)
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SIASecurity Industry Association
SIASemiconductor Industry Association
SIASecurities Industry Association (merged into Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association)
SIASecurity Industry Authority (UK)
SIASistemi Informativi Aziendali (Italian: Business Information Systems, Ltd.)
SIASmithsonian Institution Archives (est. 1846)
SIAServices to Improve Access (Ministry of Health; New Zealand)
SIASubaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc. (Lafayette, IN)
SIAStable Isotope Analysis (biology)
SIASenior Internal Auditor (accounting; various companies)
SIASustainability Impact Assessment (trade)
SIASociété des Ingénieurs de l'Automobile (French: Society of Automotive Engineers)
SIASeoul Institute of the Arts (Seoul, South Korea)
SIASalon International de l'Agriculture (French: International Exhibition of Agriculture)
SIASocial Impact Assessment
SIAServicios de Información y Asesoría (Spanish: Information and Advisory Services; Guatemala)
SIAScaffold Industry Association
SIASocial Insurance Agency (various locations)
SIASchweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architektenverein
SIASingapore Institute of Architects
SIASubaru Isuzu Automotive
SIASymantec Intruder Alert
SIAStarting Instruction Address
SIASubaru of Indiana Automotive
SIAScsi Industry Association
SIASemiconductor Industries Association
SIAShenyang Institute of Automation (est. 1958; China)
SIASpinal Injury Association (various locations)
SIASafety Institute of Australia
SIASystem Impact Assessment
SIASatellite Industry Association
SIASociété Suisse des Ingénieurs et des Architectes
SIASociety for Industrial Archeology
SIASam I Am (band)
SIASecurity Integration Architecture
SIASOCO International Plc (UK)
SIASurvivors of Incest Anonymous
SIASocieta Italiana di Andrologia (Italian)
SIASummit International Awards (marketing communications industry)
SIAService de l'Information Aéronautique (French: Aeronautical Information Service; General Directorate of Civil Aviation; France)
SIAProfessional Ski Instructors Association of Japan
SIAStuck in Active (Refers to DUAL-3-SIA error message of EIGRP)
SIASecurities Institute of America
SIASolutions for Intelligence Analysis (various organizations)
SIASingapore International Airlines (ICAO code)
SIAServizio Informazioni Aeronautiche (Italian: Air Intelligence Service)
SIASubject Information Access
SIASorry in Advance
SIASpokane International Airport
SIASocietà Interbancaria per l'automazione (Interbank Association for Automation)
SIAShareware Industry Awards
SIASport Industry Awards (UK)
SIASequential Injection Analysis
SIASaitama International Association (Japan)
SIAStatistical Image Analysis (mathematics)
SIAStaffing Industry Analysts, Inc. (Los Altos, California)
SIASupplementary Immunization Activities
SIASchools Insurance Authority (Sacramento, CA)
SIAStudents in Action
SIASwiss Insurance Association
SIASimplex Investment Advisors (Japan)
SIASocietà Italiana di Artroscopia
SIASpecial Interest Alien
SIASorry I Asked (chat)
SIASugar Industry Authority (Jamaica)
SIASki Industries America
SIASocietà Italiana di Arboricoltura
SIAService in Information & Analysis Limited (London, UK)
SIASpaceweek International Association
SIASolvents Industry Association (London, UK)
SIASabiedriba ar Ierobezotu Atbildibu (Latvian: Limited Liability Company)
SIASerial Interface Adaptor
SIASafety Institute of America (Lexington, SC)
SIASyrian Investment Agency
SIASingapore International Airport
SIAStructural Inventory & Appraisal (engineering; various locations)
SIASession Initiation Application
SIAStable Implementation Agreements (Bellcore)
SIASistema de Información Aduanero (Spanish: Customs Information System)
SIAStandard Instrument Approach
SIASocially Intelligent Agent
SIASudden Ionospheric Absorption (astrophysics)
SIAShareware Industry Association
SIASoldiers in Arms (gaming clan)
SIAStarfleet Intelligence Agency (Star Trek)
SIASystem Interface Agreement
SIAState Implementing Agency (India)
SIASalary Increase Authorization
SIAStatistical Implicative Analysis
SIAStorage Instantaneous Audimeter
SIASciences et Initiatives pour l'Afrique (French: Science and Initiatives for Africa)
SIASwap-In Arrears
SIAScalable Interconnect Architecture
SIAStation Interface Adapter
SIASistema de Informação Aduaneiro (Portuguese: Customs Information System)
SIASwiss Industrial Abrasive
SIAScanner Interface Assembly
SIAScreen Imagination Agency
SIAStudent Initiated Assignment
SIASociedad Argentina de Inmunologia
SIASystem Interface Assembly
SIASentral Sykehuset I Akershus
SIASpecial Interface Adapter
SIASelf Initiated Activity
SIAShuttle Induced Atmosphere (US NASA)
SIAServices Internetworking Architecture (Sedona)
SIASignal Indicated Alarm
SIASyra Intergalactic Arms (gaming)
SIASoroptimists International of the Americas
SIAStructured Improvement Activity
SIAStartegic Issues Analysis
SIASpecial Intelligence Australia
SIASpecialized Individual Assistance
SIASudanese Institute of Architects
SIAStrategic Internet Alliance
SIASupervision, Inspection and Administration (US Army)
SIAStandardized IDRS/CFOL Access
SIAStrategic Integral Approach
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