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A legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife.
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The same applies to other less widespread cultural practices mentioned earlier-such as sororate and levitate marriages.
The main causes of trouble families or relations were: poverty, remarriages, extramarital relations, polygamy (plural marriages), polygyny (The condition or practice of having more than one wife at one time), levirate (The levirate decrees a dead man's brother to be the widow's preferred marriage partner) and sororate (The sororate decrees the marriage of a man to his deceased wife's sister).
Nthlapo, "The African Family and Women's Rights: Friends or Foes?" in African Customary Law (Cape Town: Juta & Co, 1991) 135 (noting that certain customary law and tradition are often considered discriminatory against women: polygamy, lobolo, the levirate, the sororate, child betrothal and mourning taboos).

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