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A loan extended by a bank to a business in need of operating capital. This may take several forms, from a short-term loan to a line of credit. Different banks have different facility plans for their clients who own or run businesses. See also: Debt financing.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Of these, the Matarbari III terminal is expected to have the highest capacity of 362.3 bcf in 2023.
With these FSRUs, Egypt is currently able to import an additional 0.70 bcf per day through each, and plans are underway to rent a third FSRU with an import capacity of up to 0.75 bcf per day during late 2016 or 2017.
The Bureau will also be a vehicle whereby the BCF could pursue genuine and lasting peace and economic progress for the Bangsamoro people.
In addition to food, BCF also distributed beddings and other basic items to refugees in Duhok.
Tom has brought his commercial skills to bear, with a significant growth opportunity through a new distance learning business and his networking skills have enabled the BCF to build stronger relationships with Government, and other trade associations up and down the supply chain.
The relaunch at the end of last year coincided with a dynamic carpet yarn BCF market, which showed a high level of interest in the technologies offered.
The GSA provides for the sale of 10 Bcf of raw gas from PEL 106B on a firm basis, for a three year term from the commencement of supply.
The BCF is the sole trade association representing the interests of the decorative, industrial, powder, printing ink and wall covering industry.
Every move was scrutinised by top-flight BCF judges.
The US company said the unrisked exploration potential in the 2007 study was calculated to be 692 BCF in the high case, 381 BCF in the middle case estimate, and 174 BCF in the low-end case.
This projection is roughly three times greater than the amount of LNG imported into the US in 2008 and exceeds the record import level of 770 BCF set in 2007.
A MEMORY training programme held in Bahrain last month was so popular that the organisers, YMCA's Bahrain Counsellors Forum (BCF), will organise a second course next month.