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MNLF, MILF agree to establish BCF Bureau.

Under the sustained auspices of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the Bangsamoro Coordination Forum (BCF) has continued to move towards unifying the two Moro Fronts.

This developed as the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) agreed on Thursday to establish a BCF Bureau in Cotabato City, with a sub-office in Zamboanga City.

Abdul Sahrin, a senior leader of the MNLF, relayed this yesterday to the Manila Bulletin.

He said the two groups agreed to establish the BCF Bureau at the conclusion of the November 12-13 second peace meeting in Manila hosted by the OIC.

The BCF Bureau will further promote unity talks and facilitate the discussion of other issues and concerns that may arise in relation with the convergence of the Final Peace Agreement (FPA) of 1996 and the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement (CAB).

The Bureau will also be a vehicle whereby the BCF could pursue genuine and lasting peace and economic progress for the Bangsamoro people.

"The MNLF and the MILF signed a Joint Communique which outlines their agreement to continue efforts for the convergence of the two peace tracks or peace agreements," Sahrin said.

He said Randolph Parcasio, spokesman of the Jeddah Formula that assembles various MNLF factions, and Mohagher Iqbal of the MILF signed the Joint Communique.

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Title Annotation:Provincial
Publication:Manila Bulletin
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:9PHIL
Date:Nov 15, 2014
Previous Article:3 killed in Basilan shooting.
Next Article:Mindanao Newsbits for November 16, 2014.

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