BCERBritish Columbia Electric Railway (Canadian railway)
BCERBusiness Coalition for Education Reform
BCERBoden Creek Ecological Reserve (Belize)
BCERBolsa Chica Ecological Reserve
BCERBabson College Entrepreneurship Research (Babson Park, MA)
BCERBladeCenter Express, Runtime (IBM)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Goward, BCER, complained that the high costs of labour and the negative impact of restrictions would damage the economy they met a receptive audience.
Chaired by George Kidd, retired president of the BCER, the committee composed of A.
When combined with the well publicized welfare projects at BCER, Consolidated Mining and Smelter and BC Sugar, this strategy reduced public pressure for changes in the laws.
Papers; correspondence, Vancouver Electrical Contractors' Association, list of members, 16 March 1909; Western Wage Earner, July 1909; February 1910; and USC, British Columbia Electric Railway Company Papers, (hereafter BCER), Box 51, B1420, 8 April 1911.
For Bullen's suggestion, see UBC, BCER, Box 51, File b1420, A.T.
(88) For Kidd's opinion, see UBC, BCER, Letters from General Manager, G.
For Hayward, see UBC, BCER, Box 93, File 1600-14b, Employers' Association, Western Power Company, R.
(92) Vancouver City Archives, Board of Trade, minutes, 18 June 1918; UBC, BCER, Box 93, File 1600-14b, minutes of the eighth meeting of Directors, 17 January 1919.
(93) UBC, BCER, BOX 93, File 1600-14b, "Industrial Autocracy or Industrial Democracy"; The Daily Colonist, 20 March 1919.
A list of members is provided in UBC, BCER., Box 51, File B1420, M.A.
www.nelc.org--NELC (not a BCER partner) is a coalition of CEOs of private sector companies.
The BCER Group supports a variety of charitable organizations, including the Salvation Army, Whiz Kids Tutoring Program, Children's Hospital Burn Camp and more.