BCERCBreast Cancer and Environment Research Centers
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More than 1,200 girls aged 6-8 years enrolled in the BCERC study.
The BCERC study eventually provided a rich set of findings showing what may happen in the body as a result of various environmental stressors during the pubertal window.
Baralt and McCormick (2010) used the word "frustration" 16 times, without noting the impressive contributions of the BCERC Community Outreach and Translation Cores (COTC) projects.
As noted by Baralt and McCormick (2010), the 2002 RFA for BCERC did not require adherence to principles of community-based participatory research.
Our findings regarding the Breast Cancer and Environment Research Centers (BCERCs) in which Wolff and Barlow are involved represent a broad overview of all four centers and are meant to portray several dimensions of the collaborative aspects of the work.
We presented our preliminary findings to our BCERC colleagues and shared with them our concern about how to proceed.
In 2002, the NIEHS convened a brainstorming workshop that included researchers, clinicians, and advocates "to identify data gaps, bottlenecks and research needs" (BCERC 2009).
The BCERC epidemiology project is a longitudinal study of girls enrolled at 6-8 years of age and followed through puberty.
Individual research questions and hypotheses in BCERC are driven by gaps in our knowledge that are presented at genetic, metabolic, cellular, individual, and environmental (physical and social) levels.
Participants in this pilot study were among the first children enrolled at three BCERC centers.
Three important features characterize the BCERC program.
These protocols are shared with the other three centers in the BCERC network to aid in standardizing procedures among centers and in keeping with the spirit of collaborative research intended by the NIH.