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Barzani Charity Foundation provides 100k Yezidi IDPs with food.

Summary: In association with the World Food Organization WFP, the Barzani Charity Foundation BCF supplies meals for 100 thousand Yezidi IDPs from Shingal who are now settled in places like Khanke, Sharya and Kandala.


In association with the World Food Organization WFP, the Barzani Charity Foundation BCF supplies meals for 100 thousand Yezidi IDPs from Shingal who are now settled in places like Khanke, Sharya and Kandala.

In addition to feeding the Yezidi IDPs, BCF also provides foodstuff and ready meals to other IDPs across Kurdistan Region including Christians and Shabak Kurds, in addition to providing meals for Peshmarga Forces in the war frontlines in Makhmour zone for three consecutive days.

The two organizations have setup a food processing and packing stations in the towns where Yezidi IDPs are settled and prepare 10 thousand meals per days for the IDPs.

The BCF is planning to continue its plan till the IDPs return back to their homes.

Additionally, BCF and UAE Red Crescent Organization distributed 1500 packs of foodstuff over refugees in Akre District and 500 packs in Mangish Sub-district.

In addition to food, BCF also distributed beddings and other basic items to refugees in Duhok.

BCF?s donations to the Peshmarga Forces in Makhmour included food items like bread, cheese, water, canned fish, fruit jam, rice, tea and cooking oil.

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Publication:The Kurdish Globe (Erbil, Iraq)
Date:Aug 11, 2014
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