bit time

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bit time

The duration of one pulse (one bit). For example, the bit time of Fast Ethernet is 10 nanoseconds (ns). See bit rate.
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References in periodicals archive ?
That safely done, we spend a bit time in the water exploring the nearby rocks and it's time for one last jump - and it's a biggie.
Terrific uniform with a black mask, leather jacket and braids (which seem a bit time consuming for a superhero costume change), he'll have nicer duds when he gets the hang of his superhero gig.
Maybe it took a bit time for her parents to be able to afford the tickets."
In fact, the whole Running Horses experience is a bit time warpy, only recently refurbished and restored, the inside of this ancient, Grade I-listed structure has been done out to recreate bygone times.
T., "On the performance of one bit time reversal for multi-user wireless communications," Int.
So although they may be a bit time consuming but can prove helpful to students.
NOVEMBER 23rd should be renamed Doctor Who Day, in commemoration of the time when everyone went just a little bit Time Lord crazy.
Changes to services always take a bit time to bed in, but the new wheelie bins will bring cleaner streets, better recycling, and financial savings to the council.
GONINODAETHAT (3.30) runs well when fresh and we missed out last week with him to give him a wee bit time.
he needed a little bit time under his belt," "He has got vast but we felt it would be to get more
He recalls, "seven of our players have been called to the national team." Surely there is quality there, but either it is not enough or just needs a bit time to coalesce.
"It was unfortunate for Josh, he is a young lad and maybe with a bit time he will be at the right level, but we can't afford to give him that time.