bit stop

bit gauge, bit stop

A metal piece temporarily fixed to a bit to prevent drilling too deeply in a blind hole.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Last campaign was a bit stop and start for a young man with real potential as he had injury problems throughout.
"We've had a couple of bounce games to keep busy but because we're out of the cup weekends and have played the joint most games in the league, things are a bit stop start for us at the moment.
"It has been a little bit stop start," he admitted.
"It's been a bit stop, start but he's had a run of games and he has responded with some very good performances.
It's maybe a consequence of him being a bit stop start in terms of being suspended but we don't have any fears about him, he'll score goals.
They have been a bit stop start this season through injury or loss of form.
'We wanted to play a continuity game but it was a bit stop start.
When I watch anything with the kids, it can be a bit stop and start if they need things explaining.
"It's been a bit stop start but we're doing well each week.
Skipper Shaun Birbeck is happy enough with the season so far and gearing up for the final assault: "I would sum the up the season so far as pretty good, although we've been a bit stop start, and a little bit short on occasions when we've failed to win when we perhaps should have done."
Wenger was philosophical but seems to be kidding himself as he said: "We are a bit stop and go.