Bit Valley

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Bit Valley

The Shibuya suburb of Tokyo, known for its cluster of high-tech and Internet companies. See Silicon Valley and high-tech regions.
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She said the development would provide clients with a customised office facility, networking benefits and support by specialists during the early stages - not to mention an immediate market presence in an area the Japanese call Bit Valley.
But when they realized their offices were all located in Shibuya, they dubbed their network ''Bit Valley'' -- a play on the reading of the Chinese characters for Shibuya which mean Bitter Valley.
"Japan's revolutionary path will utterly transform it from the state-run industrial powerhouse of the 20th century toward an innovation-driven, globalized economy of the 21st," she wrote, adding most important force for change is small, creative, high-tech companies that have built "Bit Valley," Japan's equivalent to Silicon Valley.