Bitcoin mining

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Bitcoin mining

Bitcoin mining is the process that adds new Bitcoin transactions to the distributed ledger known as the "blockchain." Mining is also how new coins come into existence as a reward for being the first miner to add the next block of transactions to the blockchain.

Like a gold mine, which takes work and time to produce results, Bitcoin mining requires "digital work" and "processing time" to bring coins into creation. Hence the "mining" metaphor. However, this processing time uses an enormous amount of electricity worldwide (see cryptographic hash function). See blockchain.

While there are tens of thousands of nodes in the Bitcoin network that verify transactions, a smaller number are mining nodes. New transactions reside in the Bitcoin memory pool (mempool) until a miner retrieves them, verifies the integrity of their format and is the first to complete a mathematical puzzle, which takes about 10 minutes. The winning miner places the transactions in a block and adds them to the blockchain. Each new block provides more confirmation of the previous transactions (see Bitcoin confirmation).

Miners Are Rewarded with Bitcoins
The mathematical puzzle takes a gigantic amount of calculations to solve and ensures that miners spend time and resources, thus providing "proof-of-work" (PoW). The first miner to solve the puzzle and publish the block to the blockchain is rewarded with fees and new Bitcoins (see block reward). If two miners solve the puzzle at the exact same time, the miner that did the most computational work is the winner. The massive digital processing required also keeps fraudulent miners away. See proof-of-work algorithm.

Years ago, anyone with a PC could be a miner. However, the Bitcoin algorithm was designed to be more difficult as time passes. Today, it could take a regular PC so long to solve the puzzle that it would never be first to do so. However, PCs can still be used for other cryptos (see pool mining).

Chinese Mining Pools
Organizations create huge mining pools to accomplish the task using specialized "ASIC miner" hardware. Located in China where electricity is less expensive, pools mine roughly 65% of Bitcoin transactions worldwide. In 2021, China started to crack down on Bitcoin trading and mining, and China-based miners are packing up and moving to Central Asia and North America. See miner hardware and cryptographic hash function.

The Maximum Number of Bitcoins Is 21 Million
The Bitcoin algorithm ensures that the number of new coins miners generate for their own accounts slows down over time. At some point in 2140, the total number of coins will be capped at 21 million. Starting with 50 coins in 2009, by 2013, there were 10.6M Bitcoins in existence, and by 2020 roughly 17M. The first four years generated 10 million coins, but the subsequent five years only six million more. After 2140, the only revenue miners will receive is from transaction fees. See block reward.

The Cap Is a Major Feature
Bitcoin proponents claim that the capped total of coins is what makes Bitcoin valid money, similar to having physical gold bars. Just like an ounce of gold, the market may change its daily value, but a devaluation cannot occur due to inflating the money supply. See Bitcoin, cryptojacking and crypto glossary.

CleanSpark Bitcoin Miner
Headquartered in Henderson, Nevada, CleanSpark is a renewable energy company that features residential and commercial solar systems. It also uses its facilities to mine Bitcoin in New York state and Georgia. (Images courtesy of CleanSpark.)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Hut 8 is a cryptocurrency mining company with industrial scale bitcoin mining operations in Canada.
But a revival in bitcoin mining fortunes is happening according to blockchain research group Diar. After the worst months of the downturn, February's mining revenue was the lowest in the last 19 months at just $195 million 10 percent less than January.
Two technicians inspect bitcoin mining at Bitfarms in Saint Hyacinthe, Quebec, in this file photo taken on March 19 (AFP / MANILA BULLETIN)
More than 25 expert speakers from both countries will cover a variety of hot topics such as blockchain technology, startup investment, capital raising, ICOs, bitcoin mining, virtual currency trading, SEC compliance, legal and taxation, etc.
But one company is pushing to make bitcoin mining a bit more sustainable -- and William Shatner is among those at the helm.
He reportedly lured in investors with promises of hefty returns, assuring them of access to the bitcoin mining system.
The offering for Canaan, which claims to be the world`s second-largest bitcoin mining hardware supplier, is scheduled for July, the sources said.
At current levels, de Vries estimates Bitcoin mining uses at least 2.6GW of power per year, and that number could grow to as much as 7.7GW by the end of the year, an astounding half a percent of the entire world's electricity consumption.
I THINK that S T Vaughan ('Beware dangers of crypto mining', Birmingham Mail Talkback, May 3) was quite right to mention the serious issues of 'Bitcoin mining' and its impact on Iceland.
Bitcoin mining is the process of using powerful computer processors
With ample vacant industrial space, very low industrial electricity rates relative to other parts of the nation and cold temperatures effective at cooling machines, Montana is garnering an increasing amount of attention as a potential location amenable to bitcoin mining facilities.
The current Bitcoin mining method, known as 'Proof of Work' is currently very costly and wasteful.