Bitcoin wallet

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Bitcoin wallet

The electronic interface to a user's Bitcoins. The Bitcoin wallet is software in the user's computer or mobile device. It can also be a hardware device that interacts with software in the computer, and it can be a paper wallet. Many wallets that support Bitcoin are also used for Ethereum, Litecoin and other digital currencies. See crypto wallet.

The wallet holds the user's Bitcoin balance but does not actually contain the coins. It stores the user's Bitcoin address and private key to access the Bitcoin blockchain. When people make payments, the wallets use the key to digitally sign the transactions proving ownership of their coins in the network, known as "unspent transaction outputs" (UXTOs). A wallet can also be part of a Bitcoin node (see Bitcoin mining and Bitcoin transaction).
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References in periodicals archive ?
Electrum is an excellent bitcoin wallet that comes preinstalled on Tails Linux.
A computer infected by ransomware generally includes a ransom note with instructions on how to make payment to a Bitcoin wallet operated by the criminals.
Warden was able to utilize a local settlement company, Sweeney Title Services, who set up a Bitcoin wallet to accept the earnest money deposit.
If that's too technical, all you need to know how to 'mine' is this: you need the appropriate hardware (a fast computer with powerful video cards - or better yet, an industrial-grade mining hardware), fast internet, a software for mining (like Nicehash miner app), and a Bitcoin wallet (you can get one from
For more information on Bitcoin wallets, read out Guide to Finding the Best Bitcoin Wallet .
"We initiated talks with a payment processor who can work in real time transactions meaning soon people can genuinely order a round of drinks at the bar in S7ven or Daddy Cools, scan our QR code and pay instantly from there online bitcoin wallet.
On the contrary, the UAE has already got a Bitcoin exchange by the name of BitOasis which also offers its services, including a Bitcoin wallet, in Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia.
Earlier in December, the mining marketplace announced that hackers wiped out its entire Bitcoin wallet, resulting in a loss of $63 million worth of Bitcoin.
In a statement revealed last week on its website, the company said, "Our payment system was compromised and the contents of the NiceHash Bitcoin wallet have been stolen.
Bitcoins can be stored on a smartphone, computer, or other mobile device using software called a 'Bitcoin wallet'.