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Related to banket: banker


A conglomerate containing valuable metal to be exploited.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The affected businesses were in the urban centres of Chinhoyi, Kadoma, Chegutu, Norton, Banket, Karoi, Trelawney, Raffingora and Darwendale (Map 1).
Family of Miletrian, Mr Combustible, Mr Pintips, Banket, etc.
Mr Nicolle obtained a High Court order in September freezing a government eviction notice on his property in Banket, 60 miles north-west of Harare on grounds there were errors in the notice.
My banket is to close our stomachs up After our great good cheer.
A black settler on one farm in the Banket tobacco and corn district fired a pistol in the air in an effort to drive the owner and his black workers away, said Jenni Williams, a spokes-woman for the pressure group, yesterday.
She and husband Vernon, 56, who farm 7500 acres at Banket, believe Mugabe is paying squatters.
In the African tragedy the `bloody banquet' of the dumb show in Act IV merely indicates that death - death in battle, and even in one case death by drowning - lies ahead for four of the characters: after Sebastian, Muly Mahamet, the Duke of Avero and Stukeley `Enter to the bloudie banket', then enter `to them Death: & 3 Furies ...
The Tarkwaian series hosts a gold-bearing quartz pebble conglomerate unit called the Banket Formation.
Her childhood was spent on a poor farm in Banket, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe); she left school at fourteen and moved shortly thereafter to Salisbury (now Harare), where after a succession of clerical jobs and a hard-drinking social life with the sporty set, she married Frank Wisdom and bore two children.
The Census data cover a wider and more variable range of products in each country--for instance, in the Netherlands biscuits are not distinguished from cake (banket) products--and also include some employees involved with non-biscuit products.
He said that modern machinery, including color sorters, largely financed by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) with assistance from the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) and CGA had been installed in all three coffee depots (Banket, Chipinge and Mutare) during the year in order to improve the quality of the coffee offered and make it more attractive to international buyers.