Banker's Bank

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Banker's Bank

A bank that provides loans and other services to small banks in local communities. Because they provide capital to (and therefore spread risk over) a large number of local banks, banker's banks enable community banks to provide retail services for a lower expense than otherwise would be possible. Banker's banks originated in Minnesota in 1975.
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Midwest-based Bankers' Bank, a provider of banking services to community banks, has said that it has launched a referral consumer credit card programme.
PCBB is a leading bankers' bank serving community-based financial institutions (FI's) across the entire U.S.
We believe this posture by the new CBL Executive Governor squarely contradicts policies at the 'Bankers' Bank' that will have serious negative future consequences for our country.
The Bankers' Bank had said that as much as 99 per cent of the junked Rs500 and Rs1,000 notes had returned to the banking system, which had prompted the opposition to question the efficacy of the government's unprecedented note ban decision to curb black money and corruption.
Lake Sunapee Bank recently contributed $2,000 to CATCH Neighborhood Housing through funds raised by its participation in Bankers' Bank Northeast's annual Charitable Golf Tournament Pictured, from left: Deb Johnson, Lake Sunapee Bank vice president; Rosemary M.
At the end of last year, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), often referred to as the central bankers' bank, published a report that in part reviewed the impact of 'digital currencies' and their associated technology, i.e.
The liabilities of a bankers' bank are "outside money" and serve as the monetary base upon which the "inside money" (customer-owned deposits at transfer/banking companies) stands.
The traditional functions, may be categorized into two-group like: firstly, the primary actions adding issue of notes, bankers' bank, banker to government, lender of the last resort, conduct of monetary policy and supervision and regulation of the financial scheme.
The 0.17-acre development previously was linked with a January 2010 mortgage of $275,750 originated by Arkansas Bankers' Bank of Little Rock.
First National Bankers Bankshares, Inc (NASDAQ: FNBB) has said that it has completed the consolidation of its four bank subsidiaries: Arkansas Bankers' Bank (ABB), First National Bankers Bank, Alabama (FNBB-AL), First National Bankers Bank, Louisiana (FNBB-LA) and Mississippi National Banker's Bank (MNBB), which was completed on March 31, 2011.