References in classic literature ?
"With pleasure," said the Honest Banker; "we shall be glad to do business with you; but first you must make yourself an honest man by restoring what you stole from the Government."
For he never travelled without a case of swords, with which he had fought many brilliant duels, or without a corresponding case for his mandolin, with which he had actually serenaded Miss Ethel Harrogate, the highly conventional daughter of a Yorkshire banker on a holiday.
Then offer him double that sum; a banker never loses an opportunity of doubling his capital."
"Is there any reason for ill-feeling between you two?" the banker inquired.
The banker's speech was fluent, but it was also copious, and he used up an appreciable amount of time in brief meditative pauses.
His father had failed at a time of commercial panic as a country banker, had paid a good dividend, and had died in exile abroad a broken-hearted man.
"But what other is there?" cried the banker with a gesture of despair.
A Billiard-maker, whose skill was immense, Might perhaps have won more than his share-- But a Banker, engaged at enormous expense, Had the whole of their cash in his care.
White, the banker's wife, complained to the tele- graph company, saying that the office in Winesburg was dirty and smelled abominably, but nothing came of her complaint.
The minister's wife (a cloak), the banker's daughters (the new sleeve) - they had but to pass our window once, and the scalp, so to speak, was in my mother's hands.
"I have got the address of your banker's correspondent in Paris.
The commissary having been buried with all the decorations suitable to the service (the whole team of proprieties were harnessed to his hearse, and they all had feathers and black velvet housings with his coat of arms in the corner), Mrs General began to inquire what quantity of dust and ashes was deposited at the bankers'.