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BKGBooking (reservations; various companies)
BKGBackground File
BKGBruckmann & Kreyenborg Granuliertechnik (German science and technology company)
BKGBeta Kappa Gamma (fraternity)
BKGBundesamt für Kartographieund Geodäsie (German: Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy)
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In addition, last year, it saw the launch of "FSI Connect," an online information and learning resource tool for banking supervisors.
Based on all the facts of record, the Board concludes that consummation of the proposal would not have a significantly adverse effect on competition or on the concentration of resources in any of the banking markets in which Associated and State Financial directly compete or in any other relevant banking market.
On a typical day, 13 million Americans are banking online, an increase of 58% from 2002, according to a study released this year by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
This so-called 'relationship banking' is why community banks maintain their hold on a substantial portion of small business accounts, farm lending and the smaller, often overlooked retail depositor.
BISYS is a provider information processing solutions, integrating core banking applications with more than 70 best-of-breed ancillary products.
"We are also committed to global banking values like transparency in transactions and market relationships that add value to our shareholders, clients, employees and society."
If lack of access to banking services is what drives people through the doors of check cashers, then the one-two punch of Shaw's check cashing outlet and its Fleet Bank branch should have knocked Check King out of business a long time ago.
In part, the trend towards relationship banking has been driven by the banking industry's sharp contraction over the past 10 years.
The close working relationship between law enforcement agencies and the banking community also has aided in this follow-up phase of bank robbery investigations.
report "Financial Havens, Banking Secrecy, and Money Laundering." Raul Salinas, the brother of Mexico's former president, used offshore shell companies to hide the movement of more than $100 million in drug payoffs through a private investment company named Trocca, according to the October 30,1998, General Accounting Office report "Private Banking: Raul Salinas, Citibank, and Alleged Money Laundering." Trocca was set up at Cititrust, Grand Cayman, by a Citibank vice president in New York, according to the GAO report.
Once you have some solid banking candidates, you'll want to check out their stances on loans.
4 article in The Washington Post criticized the lack of government oversight of Thailand's banks as part of a "deregulated financial system run amok." Suggested the Post, "As with the savings and loan scandal in the United States, which led to a shakeout of the American finance sector and greater regulation, so too Asia might retool by cleaning up its banking mess."