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Attis (ăˈtĭs) or Atys (āˈ–), in Phrygian religion, vegetation god. When Nana ate the fruit of the almond tree, which had been generated by the blood of either Agdistis or of Cybele, she conceived Attis. Later, Agdistis or Cybele fell in love with Attis, and so that none other would have him, she caused him to castrate himself. Like Adonis, Attis came to be worshiped as a god of vegetation, responsible for the death and rebirth of plant life. Each year at the beginning of spring his resurrection was celebrated in a festival. In Roman religion he became a powerful celestial deity.


See Sir J. G. Frazer, Adonis, Attis, Osiris (1907, new ed. 1961).

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beloved of Cybele, who changed him into a pine tree as he was about to commit suicide. [Gk. Myth.: Brewer Dictionary, 55]
Allusions—Cultural, Literary, Biblical, and Historical: A Thematic Dictionary. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Atys, from Famagusta, will present songs of gypsies from the region of the Mediterranean, Eastern Europe and the Balkans.
Torcchio describes his Atys concept: "People say it looks like a museum.
Atys offers upholstered goods primarily from European and U.S.
Attis , also spelled Atys. Mythical consort of the Great Mother of the Gods.
Lastly, in an often melancholy season of retrospection, commemoration and mourning, it was particularly fitting that William Christie's company, Les Arts Florissants, reperformed its revival of Jean-Baptiste Lully's Atys at the Brooklyn Academy of Music last March.