Atul Bose

The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Bose, Atul


Born Feb. 22, 1898, in Mymensingh, East Bengal. Indian painter and graphic artist.

Bose studied at the State College of Arts and Crafts in Calcutta (1916–18), of which he later became director, and at the school of the Royal Academy of Arts in London (1924–26). He was one of the founders of the National Academy of Art. His work reflects the experience of European realistic painting. He works in oils, watercolors, and pastels. He paints psychological portraits (R. Tagore, 1952, The Hermitage, Leningrad) and genre pictures (Boatman, 1936; Comrades, 1937), and has done a series of drawings on famine in Bengal (1943).


Rao Ramachandra, P. R. Modern Indian Painting. Madras, 1953.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
With the appointment of Percy Brown as the Principal of the art school in Calcutta in 1 909, the ground began to shift and by 1920 academic artists like Hemendranath Mazumdar and Atul Bose had launched their own journal, Indian An Academy, and even founded a Society of Fine Arts to rival the famed Indian Society for Oriental Art, favoured by the Tagores.
Roy Chowdhury, Atul Bose, and above all Zainul Abedin, whose harrowing images remain ingrained in collective memory.