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Atuona (ätwōˈnə) or Atuana (ätwäˈnə), town, in the Marquesas Islands, South Pacific, in French Polynesia. Situated on the southern coast of the island of Hiva Oa, Atuona overlooks the Bay of Traitors. Gauguin lived in Atuona Valley and is buried there.
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Atuona, Brenda, and Luke Harris (2014), "The Effects of Corruption in Sports on the Olympic Ideals and Sponsorship Programmes," in Dikaia Chatziefstathiou and Norbert Muller (eds.), Olympism, Olympic Education and Learning Legacies.
Both the writer and the painter had met with early deaths in the South Seas: Stevenson at Vailima, in Samoa, in 1894; Gauguin at Atuona, in the Marquesas, in 1903, while still at the height of their creative powers.
MARQUESAS ISLANDS: Hiva Oa [9[degrees]48'S, 139[degrees]01'W]: 2 [male], 5 [female], 3 juveniles, Entomology Survey (no further data) (BPBM); 4 [female], 3 juveniles, Atuona Valley [9[degrees]47'S, 139[degrees]01'W], 7 July 1929, Mumford, Adamson (BPBM); 11 [male], 16 [female], 31 juvenile (2 vials), Atuona Valley, in house, 11 July 1929, Mumford, Adamson (BPBM); 1 [male], 2 [female], 2 juveniles, Atuona [9[degrees]48'S, 139[degrees]01'W], in house, 8 February 1987, J.W.
8--Bora Bora, Rangiroa, Omoa, Atuona, Fares to be Vaipaee, Taiohae, Taha'a, Moorea, Papeete.
In Hiva Oa, the principal town on Atuona in the Marquesas, she recorded her father visiting the Catholic mission where a gravely in Gauguin received assistance, the cemetery where the artist was buried in 1903, and the municipal archive where his death certificate remains on file.
Only the cat and dog you had just brought to live with you at your new house in Atuona were there, watching you attentively, as if they understood the meaning of your bellows into nothingness, which were surely frightening the chickens, cats, and little horses that ran wild in the forests of Hiva Oa.
Viapaee, Atuona, Omoa, Fakarva, Moorea, Papeete $3,590-20,190