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Pygmy or Pigmy (both: pĭgˈmē), term used for dark-skinned people who live in equatorial rain forests and average less than 59 in. (150 cm) in height. Some studies make a distinction between Negrillos, who live in Africa, and Negritos, who live in Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and the Philippines; this classification system is rarely used today, however. Anthropologists have noted that, like many inhabitants of rain forests, Pygmies traditionally are hunter-gatherers who live in small, seminomadic bands with patrilineal or bilateral descent. They are distinguished according to language and culture.

In Africa, Pygmies are divided into four groups: the Binga along the Atlantic coast, including the Beku, Bongo, Jelli, Koa, Kola, Kuya, Rimba, and Yaga; the Twa in the high regions surrounding Lake Kivu; the Gesera and Zigaba in Rwanda and Burundi; and the Mbuti, Aka, and Efe of the Ituri forest in northeastern Congo (Kinshasa). Some believe that they predate neighboring agricultural peoples. Others believe that they have always had reciprocal, if somewhat subordinate, relations with other societies such as the Lese, Bira, Ltsi, and Ndaka; they have commonly traded products of the forest for garden crops and iron tools. Indeed, they no longer speak their own languages, but rather that of the group with whom they have most contact, such as Bantu, Eastern Nigritic, and Central Sudanic. Recent government efforts have tried to resettle them and force them into agricultural production, and many have been displaced by deforestation. African pygmy populations also have suffered from prejudice and discrimination.

Among the SE Asian Pygmies are the Batak and the Agta of the Philippines, the Andaman Islanders, and the Semang of the Malay Peninsula. They speak various Asian languages, which belong to the Mon-Khmer branch of the Austronesian language family. Gene studies have shown the Andaman Islanders to have a strain of mitochondrial DNA that is common in Asians. The theory that all Pygmies are survivors of the ancestral human type, or are migrants of common stock from S Asia in prehistoric times, remains unproved.


See J. Eder, On the Road to Tribal Extinction (1987).

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, Pigmy
a member of one of the dwarf peoples of Equatorial Africa, noted for their hunting and forest culture
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Other potential suppliers proposed are: Iran, offering to provide between 20-30 BCM/year in a pipeline to run through Anbar on to Syria and from there to Turkey (this means linking up with Akkas whose gas is proposed to be piped to Syria, instead of to Kurdistan, so that the KRG will separately pump its gas to Nabucco in Turkey); and Qatar, offering between 20-30 BCM/year with its gas to run through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey - according to preliminary 2009 agreements between Qatari Emir Shaikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani and Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoghan.
The Akkas and Mansuriyah gas fields were offered in the June 30, 2009 auction, along with six oil fields but only Akkas, located near the Syrian border in a province that used to be the base for al-Qaida, received a bid.
According to the ministry, Akkas, which lies 40km from the Syrian border, is believed to contain up to seven trillion cubic feet of gas, which accounts for six per cent of Iraq's estimated total of 112 trillion cubic feet.
Connecting Akkas to the Arab Gas Pipeline, which runs from Egypt to Syria via Jordan and will reach Turkey in 2009, would enable Baghdad to supply gas to Nabucco, which is due to come on line in 2013.
One option was to increase the capacity of the AGP and build a gas pipeline from the Akkas field.
The MoO gave Akkas' development in November 2010 to a JV of KMG EP and KoGas.
Iraq originally planned to sign the Akkas agreement November 14 but it was stalled on concerns by the local authorities in Anbar province who feared gas from Akkas would be exported without benefiting nearby communities.
BAGHDAD: Iraq plans to sign an agreement this month to develop the Akkas natural gas field, the biggest of three gas deposits for which it awarded licences last year, the head of the Oil Ministry's licensing department said.
Iraq expects to sign an initial contract for the Akkas gas field within days, a senior Iraqi oil official said on Wednesday, after a delay due to a row between the oil ministry and local authorities over exports.
ANBAR / Aswat al-Iraq: A security source in west Iraq's Anbar Province has stated on Wednesday that severe security measures have been taken in the province's largest city of Falluja, to protect a demonstration expected to be launched later in the day, expressing support for the Province's Council rejecting the investment of Akkas Gas Field by the Iraqi government.
Baghdad had said it will invite all 45 international companies which were prequalified in the two oil auctions last year to bid for Akkas field in the western desert, Siba in the southern hub of Basra and Mansuriyah in eastern Iraq.