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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a mining settlement in Mauritania, on the Nouakchott-Atar highway. The population in 1965 was about 3,000. Near Akjoujt are the Guelb Moghrein copper ore deposits, known to contain about 500,000 m of metal, which were acquired in 1969 by a mixed company in which foreign capital predominates. Construction began on a concentration mill in 1969.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
OreCorp is seeking a Joint Venture partner for the Akjoujt South Nickel - Copper - Cobalt Project in Mauritania.
The plants will supply 30 per cent of the electricity demand to the remote communities of Boutilimit, Aleg, Aioune, Akjoujt, Atar, El Chami, Boulenour and Bani Chab, reducing their dependency on diesel-fuelled generators, decreasing annual fuel costs and lowering carbon dioxide emissions.
The plants will supply 30% of the electricity demand to the remote communities of Boutilimit, Aleg, Aioune, Akjoujt, Atar, El Chami, Boulenour and Bani Chab, reducing their dependency on diesel-fuelled generators, decreasing annual fuel costs and lowering carbon dioxide emissions.
The projects will add significant energy capacity to each of the seven towns, which include Boutilimit, Aleg, Aioune, Akjoujt, Atar, Al Shami and Boulenour.
During October 28--November 11, 2010, suspected RVF cases were identified in several cities Adar Province (Atar, Aoujeft, Chinguetti), Inchiri Province (Akjoujt), and Hodh el Gharbi Province (Tintane, Kobeni) (Figure 1), and high mortality rates among camels, sheep, and goats were reported in Adrar and Inchiri Provinces (8).
An international consortium of mining companies from Australia, Canada and the United Arab Emirates is expected to dramatically increase production from an existing copper and gold mine near Akjoujt, 256 kilometres north-east of the Nouakchott.
There are four major roads in Mauritania, between Nouakchott and Rosso, Akjoujt, another linking Aleg Boghe and Kaedi, and the Road of Hope.
Copper deposits at Guelb Moghrein, about 4 km west of Akjoujt and some 250 km north-east of Nouakchott, were reported as scheduled to come into production during the latter half of 1989 at an initial rate of 65,000 t/y of concentrate grading 25% Cu.
Release date- 21082019 - OreCorp Limited (OreCorp or the Company) is pleased to announce the grant of Exploration Permit 2259 at the Akjoujt South Project (ASP) in Mauritania.
General Gold Resources holds a 42.5% stake in the gold-tailings project at Akjoujt, in a remote area to the northeast of the capital.