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(Russian akɪrˈman)
(Placename) the former name (until 1946) of Belgorod-Dnestrovski
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Identity development is thus both an individual and a social process (Akkerman & Meijer, 2011; Rodgers & Scott, 2008).
(1) As Tjitske Akkerman and Matthijs Rooduijn have written,"After the turn of the millennium, non-ostracised radical right parties have become just as radical as their ostracised cousins." ("Pariahs or Partners?
Interpreters of Spinoza's Latinity such as Kajanto (1979), Akkerman (1985), and Proietti (1985) provide some kind of map of Spinoza's indirect citations.
Also revelatory is Invisible Agents, Nadine Akkerman's history of female spies in 17th-century Britain, a time of civil wars and revolutions.
Huizenga, Admiraal, Akkerman, and ten Dam (2009) applied mobile devices with the GPS technique in the field to run a mobile city game to help students learn the historical knowledge of medieval Amsterdam.
Such readers are suggested to refer to Ruth Wodak (2015) or Tjitske Akkerman, Sarah L.
The initial settlement agreement refered to a "colony of Vaudois winemakers, which is to establish itself on the Akkerman vineyards," and specified that each family would receive vineyards, as well as access to pasturage and fields.
Akkerman, Nadine, and Birgit Houben, eds, The Politics of Female Households: Ladies-in-Waiting across Early Modern Europe (Rulers & Elites, 4), Leiden, Brill, 2014; cloth; pp.
Andrey Maryandyshev, [1] Emanuele Pontali, [1] Simon Tiberi, [1] Onno Akkerman, [1] Shashank Ganatra, [1] Tsetan Dorji Sadutshang, [1] Jan-Willem Alffenaar, [1] Rohit Amale, Jai Mullerpattan, Sonam Topgyal, Zarir Farokh Udwadia, Rosella Centis, [1] Lia D'Ambrosio, [1] Giovanni Sotgiu, [1] Giovanni Battista Migliori
Up to 42-inch rock utility installations are now a reality for Guided Boring Machine (GBM) contractors, with the release of Akkerman's exclusive Rock Boring Unit (RBU).
Input on plant design and operation was delivered by dairy consultant Ronald Akkerman, the Dutch businessman who established Cumbria's West Lakes Dairy Park, later acquired by Meadow Foods.