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Related to Akkadian language: Aramaic language
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



(from the city of Accad), the oldest of the known Semitic languages.

Accadian had two dialects, the Babylonian and the Assyrian, for which reason it is often called Babylono-Assyrian (or Assyro-Babylonian). In Accadian, as in other Semitic languages, the root of a word consists only of consonants, mostly three, and the vowels and some added non-root consonants indicate the grammatical relations and determine the meaning of the root. Its writing is based on the ideographic syllabic cuneiform script, borrowed from Sumerian, with its characteristic polyphony of characters, of which there are more than 500. The year 1857 is regarded as the date that the cuneiform script was finally deciphered.


Lipin, L. A. Akkadskii iazyk, vols. 1–2. [Leningrad,] 1957.
Soden, W. von. Grundriss der akkadischen Grammatik. Rome, 1952.
Bezold, C. Babylonisch-Assyrisches Glossar. Heidelberg, 1926.
The Assyrian Dictionary, vols. 2–6. Chicago, 1956–60.
Gelb, I. J. Old Akkadian Writing and Grammar. Chicago, 1952.
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Sargon of Akkad brought all of Babylonia under his control, and documents in the Semitic Akkadian language became commonplace there.
Four such regions of high population density are well attested archaeologically: Mesopotamia with its Akkadian language; northeastern Syria, the homeland of the Amorites and their language, known only from personal names and its influence on Akkadian resulting in Old Babylonian and Assyrian, and on West Semitic resulting in Ugaritic; north-central Syria, for which we have little evidence in the Bronze Age (I term their language the "Inland Dialect" which became Aramaic); and finally, the "Coastal Dialect" of the later Palestine/Phoenician region.
Lamentably, very few works dedicated to variation in different periods of the Akkadian language have appeared so far.
8-11, 76-78); in the Akkadian language of love, women address men as "beli" ("my lord," for instances, see Benjamin R.
According to this theory, if a scribe in Hatti or Egypt, Canaan or Cyprus, writes in cuneiform using sign sequences that spell Akkadian words, he means to write in the Akkadian language, regardless of whether what he writes exhibits features of his own or another language as well as errors in Akkadian.
Philologisch," Reallexikon der Assyriologie (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1993), 8.83; Jun Ikeda, "The Akkadian Language of Emar: Texts Related to a Diviner's Family," IOS 18 (1998): 33-61.
Her book cannot be invoked to demonstrate a large-scale influence for the Akkadian language outside of scribal circles in this western region.
Since there can be little doubt that the ongoing investigation of the Akkadian language will continue to unearth lexical items of this structure, we cannot treat this list as comprehensive.
Civil provides new information on the often-debated terms maru and hamtu that were used in the Akkadian language to describe the two stems of the Sumerian verb.
of Chicago Press, 1961], 32-34) but as /z/ in loans that entered the Akkadian language in Old Babylonian and later periods.
xi) also sees a pedagogical purpose for his Grammar, it is clear that the prime audience for his work is the advanced student or scholar interested in a new approach to, but not a new teaching tool for, the Akkadian language. On the other hand, while Huehnergard's Grammar contains many grammatical observations and statements worthy of the interest of such an advanced scholar, its main raison d'etre is the perceived need for a new toot for solid elementary teaching of Akkadian.
The book's general introduction offers the uninitiated an introduction to the Akkadian language, but the terminology used - that of vernacular languages versus literary languages - seems inappropriate and misleading in relation to Akkadian.