The Dark Army Wiki

Karl von Starke is one of the two secondary antagonists of The Dark Army: Uprising, and a major antagonist in The Dark Army 2: Downfall.


Karl was a feared torturer in the Third Reich and one of the two assistants of General Deathshead, alongside Karl's brother, Wilhelm.

Before leaving for North Africa, Karl met Dr. Schabbs, which made Deathshead worried that the scientist would take Karl under his wing.

In 1942, while stationed in North Africa, a British agent was captured on the SS Tirpitz. Karl ordered the torture of said agent every day for two months, until he saw that the agent was still alive. He ordered his men to execute the agent after he left Africa, but found out he escaped. Days later, the agent encountered Karl in Germany intent on killing him, but failed.

Shortly after that encounter, Karl learned of the agent's identity, Agent One.

During Operation Resurrection, Karl originally designed the Tesla gun with his brother, Wilhelm.


The Dark Army: Uprising[]

On December 1st, 1944, Karl and Wilhelm assisted Deathshead in his goal to create the Dark Army. When OSA agent B.J. Blazkowicz infiltrated a crypt, he was captured and taken to Deathshead's base. It was there that he was tortured by Karl, who gave B.J. a huge scar, before ordering him to be locked up. He and Wilhelm also designed a new Tesla gun, called Tesla 44-DR, with energy from the Dark Relic.

Shortly after, Karl left for Berlin, as he had other plans. However, this was all a cover as it is later revealed that Karl was working with Dr. Schabbs, who had somehow survived his assassination by B.J. years prior, and had obtained the Dark Relic via Schabb's mercenaries during the facility's collapse.

The Dark Army: Downfall[]


Personality and traits[]



  • Karl was mentioned in the Seawall Battery level in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory Single-Player.


