The Dark Army Wiki

This should be a complete list of Clipboards and Letters from The Dark Army: Uprising.



To: Security Personnel

From: Major Amsel

Subject: Watch

Date: Dec 1, 1944

One villager claims he saw an American. True or not, I ask of you all to be on the lookout. If there is an agent here, he may certainly not be alone. As always, be ready to defend the village. Reinforce the security in the main courtyard, especially near the hotel: don't let anyone access it. We're hours away from the weekly supply of ammo and other goods. Do with what we have for now.

Annual Meeting[]

To: Villagers

From: Beatus Zemph

Subject: Annual Meeting

Date: Nov 30, 1944

Officers are indeed here for the annual meeting of the senior officers. I am proud to host them in my hotel. I didn't see any officer since my son's death. If you're wondering: no, there won't be any room left until next week. That's also due to the fact that the facility's rebuilding process is still in progress, following last week's snowstorm.

Weekly Supply[]

To: Erik van Herbert

From: Karl von Starke

Subject: Weekly Supply

Date: Dec 1, 1944

The weekly supply is on it's way, Erik. The annual meeting of the officers is still ongoing, but there's more to care about: it's rumored an American has infiltrated the village. Major Amsel already took certain measures, however strengthen security at the gates. We need to make sure the supply drop is safe. Our troops in the crypt really need it.

Regarding the secret entrance to the sewers, just hang that portrait we brought from Castle Wolfenstein over the switch. It's in your room, so it's also your responsibility.

The Dark Army[]

To: Christoph Machtig

From: Wilhelm von Starke

Subject: The Dark Army

Date: Dec 1, 1944

I hope you don't get many issues with the excavations, Christoph. A new transmission from the intel team has arrived: something lies underground, of another nature. Operation Resurrection was an initiatory experience for both of us, and I believe you may already have some kind of strategy to make your way through. Get the artifact at all costs.

The New Order that Deathshead has promised is upon us. Until it's established, we all have a role to play and a specific task to carry, and I sincerely hope you understand that yours is an important one.


Discovery Notice[]

To: Security Personel

From: Christoph Machtig

Subject: Discovery Notice

Date: Dec 1, 1944

The crypt has finally been discovered. Continuation of the operation involves finding the Dark Relic. Deathshead has staked everything on it. Be aware though: intelligence reports we may have to face monsters down there. Don't remake Operation Resurrection's fiasco and stick together with our arsonists this time. Obeying the orders of Wilhelm von Starke (Deathshead's assistant), most of the elite guards will defend the village's access from the sewers to make sure nothing gets out of the depths of darkness. We may also have to be on the lookout for that American agent. Orders remain the same: to eliminate him on sight!

Tension Abnormalities[]

To: Generator Supervisor

From: Christoph Machtig

Subject: Tension Issues

Date: Dec 1, 1944

The excavation site is pumping a lot to the sewer's power supply. At the slightest abnormality or damage on both systems, it will switch to the village's generators.

Here's the issue though: the short power outage will unlock all automated doors, and even if the power swap is almost instantaneous for a majority of the structure, it's not the case for safety devices. So it will take quite some time for security doors to reclose. Be extremely careful if that happens.

Moving Platform[]

To: All Workers

From: Joseph E. Engle

Subject: Elevator

Date: Dec 1, 1944

I repaired it again, following yesterday's accident due to the latest overloading. The charge was too heavy once again for the platform. In addition to the loss of two of our workers from the excavation site, we lost many tools as well.

The platform may still be under expert verification, I don't know what might have caused such an overloading. It's like a heavy weight suddenly fell on the platform, during the afternoon. Could it be related to that hole in the ceiling that we just cemented?

Personal Clipboard[]

Oct 22, 1944

Wilhelm von Starke, the assistant of Lieutenant General Strasse, called me yesterday, informing me that a new type of Super Soldier was in the works.

Nov 19, 1944

I was specifically ordered to recover an ancient artifact to fuel the inactive Super Soldier prototypes: the Dark Relic. And I thought Deathshead didn't believe in the occult. Whatever, since Himmler seemed to be involved, my life is once more on the table.

Dec 1, 1944

We found it.



To: Wilhelm von Starke

From: Christoph Machtig

Subject: Excavations

Date: Dec 1, 1944

The excavations in the crypt are going well. I believe we will find the Dark Relic soon, but we need to be extremely careful: although we are out of many dangers, as we disabled a major part of the traps, the undead is once more against us. The real danger most likely remains in the undead warriors. We lost more than a dozen soldiers because of them. That's tragic, but hopefully it's not enough to stop us.


To: Christoph Machtig

From: K. von Schlauss

Subject: Situation

Date: Dec 1, 1944

The American made it to the sewers, I'm afraid. The village is nothing more than a graveyard now, and we don't have any information about the situation in the sewers. Prepare yourself to catch the prey in the crypt.

I know: this is difficult because of the excavations, but you should do it now before he kills everyone. I know that Deathshead is waiting for the relic, but you also have to be on the lookout for that damn American.


To: Crypt Radio Team 3

From: Otto Burkhalter

Subject: Supplies

Date: Dec 1, 1944

We will send someone to bring you some stuff, including bed covers, fresh food, and hot water. We gave him the required instructions regarding the elevator, so don't worry about anything.

Regarding the ammunition supply... Well, for various reasons I'm not allowed to communicate, the weekly supply drop won't make it's way to the village, you'll have to operate with what you still have.

Dark Relic[]

To: Security Personnel

From: C. Hachtugen

Subject: Dark Relic

Date: Dec 1, 1944

The mission is complete: we have located the Dark Relic. We have just told Deathshead. Machtig is heading down to the relic's chamber as I write these lines.

Regarding the American who is still with us down here, this is a message for all security personnel and workers: shoot on sight!


The Prisoner Part 1[]

To: Joseph B. Achtmal

From: Joakim Mainheiten

Subject: The Prisoner

Date: Dec 2, 1944

The subject it still unconscious. Why don't we kill him before he tries to escape? Why does Deathshead want him to stay alive anyway?

I understand your rank as well as the fact that you can't change anything regarding this kind of decision, but do I have to remind you that, because of him, Operation Resurrection and Project Nachtsonne failed? You also know that this prisoner managed to escape Castle Wolfenstein last year. Deathshead should reconsider his decision about the death of this enemy agent.

The Prisoner Part 2[]

To: Joakim Mainheiten

From: Joseph B. Achtmal

Subject: The Prisoner

Date: Dec 2, 1944

You're right; I can''t take this kind of decision. This little talk ends here - we can't afford to take the risk to advise Deathshead. He's really stubborn regarding the decisions he takes, and really severe with the people who are trying to advise him.

Also, Karl von Starke insisted that we do not try anything stupid. The American must stay alive - as long as he remains in his cell, that is.


To: Manuel Arktag

From: Eerik Farhenter

Subject: Lopers

Date: Dec 2, 1944

Deathshead abused the Dark Relic's power! Lopers were initially supposed to test the artifact's compatibility, with the real work being on Super Soldiers. Now these creatures are everywhere in the base, killing most of our troops. Hopefully, we've got some Venom guns left. Sorry, but we're going to defend ourselves from these monsters.



To: Deathshead

From: Wilhelm von Starke

Subject: Tesla

Date: Dec 2, 1944

It is ready: the Tesla 44 is finally fully operational! As ordered, the power unit has been infused with the Dark Relic's energy (the same energy we infused to the Super Soldiers) I can't believe it's compatible.

When we designed the original Tesla with my brother Karl during Operation Resurrection, we were far from believing that it would eventually become even more powerful. I'm going to test it right now, along with my new body!

Uprising Part 1[]

To: Deathshead

From: Karl von Starke

Subject: Uprising

Date: Dec 2, 1944

I have just learned that I have been reassigned to Berlin. That was unexpected, but orders remain orders. I am still glad of what we have accomplished so far. I wish you the best regarding the conclusion of your dream, as well as the establishment of the New Order that you've been seeking since this wear started. I really had fun torturing the American who did so much to try and stop us. I feel the same - it is very entertaining to observe an insect trying to resist the weight of our resolve.

Uprising Part 2[]

To: Karl von Starke

From: Deathshead

Subject: Uprising

Date: Dec 2, 1944

You did a very good job Karl, thank you for everything. I am sad to see you go, especially at such a crucial moment of the experiment.

Good Luck[]

To: B.J. Blazkowicz

From: Karl von Starke

Date: Dec 2, 1944

I hope you'll life this present. Ammunition, drugs, etc... Since you're most likely to die now, you should know a thing or two.

Deathshead ordered me to torture you, but he doesn't even know his decision was part of my own plan to see you fight the Dark Army. Being in charge of the facility you were being held captive in, I was in the best position to ensure that your friend Karl Villigut would be able to get you out.

Now let's see if you are what you pretend. Good luck!
