The Dark Army Wiki

Frank Webley, codename Agent One, is a character mentioned in The Dark Army: Uprising, and a playable character in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.


Early Life[]

Frank Webley was born into a family with a long history of military service. His father had been a decorated officer in World War I, and his mother had served as a nurse in the same conflict. Growing up in a military environment, Webley developed a deep sense of duty an patriotism from an early age.

World War II[]

In 1942, Agent One was sent on a mission in North Africa before he was captured on the SS Tirpitz and taken to a POW camp run by Karl von Starke, where he was interrogated and tortured. He later managed to escape and travelled to Germany to kill Karl, but was unable to do so for reasons unknown.

In 1943, Agent One and B.J. Blazkowicz were captured near Castle Wolfenstein where the former was tortured and killed.


The Dark Army: Uprising[]

Agent One was mentioned at the beginning of the village mission, where B.J. blames himself for his former comrade's demise.

He is later mentioned again by Karl von Starke, infuriating B.J..
