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This is a complete list of Clipboards and Documents from Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

Siwa Oasis[]

Skinny Dipping[]

To: Afrika Corps Dig Crew

From: Lieutenant Mehler

Subject: Skinny Dipping

Date: July 14, 1942

It has come to my attention that some soldiers posted near the Old City went skinny dipping in the nearby "lake of the oracle". Don't forget Oberst Helga von Bulow is already extremely displeased with the current level of security surrounding the ruins, as the operation she's overseeing is of the utmost importance to the Third Reich.

Major Gerhard Wechsler insists that severe measures will be taken towards recidivists. Please focus on the task at hand. I won't be held responsible next time - you will.


Lieutenant Karsten Mehler,

Siwa Oasis, North Africa

Water Pumps[]

To: Old City Staff

From: Lieutenant Mehler

Subject: Water Pumps

Date: July 21, 1942

Our miners are working hard on a network of caves which would connect our garrison to both the ruins and the Old City, in an attempt to make our excavation operation easier and faster.

While this would indeed represent a direct logistic advantage, we cannot discard the possibility of an imminent Allied invasion, in which said caves would become a real threat. That is why our engineers have come up with the idea of flooding the caves, instead of simply sealing them with explosives, if such a scenario were to occur. Thus, once the victory is ours, we won't have to worry about digging again.

For this purpose, water pumps will be delivered at the garrison, along the next supply drop. By then, the network of caves will most likely be complete, that is why I ask you all to be on the lookout for those water pumps.


Lieutenant Karsten Mehler,

Siwa Oasis, North Africa

Stolen Gold Chest[]

To: Garrison Personnel

From: Captain Olaf Schaap

Subject: Stolen Gold Chest

Date: August 18, 1942

It has been reported that a gold chest which was recently found during the excavation at the ruins has disappeared. I wish to call your attention to Reichsmarshall Directive 197 which explicitly states that all treasures, artifacts, and miscellaneous valuables, acquired during wartime, are to be turned over to the Minister of the Interior (Reichsmarshall Goering) for proper disposition. Any violation of this directive will be treated as a serious criminal offense.

Dieter Giereg, Special Assistant of the Reichsmarshall, is currently in Ras el-Hadid for an inspection regarding a similar case. Do I have to remind you all that I will be transferred there soon? You certainly don't want me to ask me to make an inspection here. I want a confession before my departure.


Captain Olaf Schaap,

Siwa Oasis, North Africa

Staff of Ra[]

To: Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler

From: SS-Oberfuhrer Marianna Blavatsky

Subject: Staff of Ra

Date: August 21, 1942

My good friend and leader,

As I write these lines, a dig site near San el-Hagar is being established. If the note from a certain Dr. Ravenwood - which we found on that prisoner - turns out to be true, then we might finally get our hands on the Staff of Ra. If the tablets we found in the excavation site near Ras el-Hadid are reliable, this bronze medallion leads to the lost ark that caught the interest of our dear Fuhrer. I have never been boiling with such joy and anticipation since we first discovered the Spear of Destiny.

I will personally hand you the ark in person once we locate it, and I will look forward to it as much as you do.

Your servant,

SS-Oberfuhrer Marianna Blavatsky,

High Priestess, SS Paranormal Division

Siwa Oasis, North Africa

Seawall Battery[]

Watch Notice[]

To: All Watch Personnel

From: Wilfried F. Friedrich

Subject: Watch Notice

Date: October 10, 1942

By order of Major Gerhard Wechsler of the Third Reich, troops of the Black Guard division have been dispatched in the Battery Gun Facility, in preparation of the imminent naval invasion, and Deathshead's visit. Regular status reports by security personnel between the West Bunker and the Generator is expected. Any breaches in security determined to be caused by watch personnel will be dealt with in the harshest manner possible.


Wilfried F. Friedrich

Battery Gun Security Officer

Seawall Battery, North Africa

Gun Controls[]

To: All Maintenance Personnel

From: Friedrich B. Franke

Subject: Gun Controls

Date: September 30, 1942

It appears we received the wrong maintenance pieces and the Gun Controls won't be responding properly for the time being. My theory is that those pieces we received were meant for the Todt Battery, located in Audinghen, south of Cap Gris-Nez, in France, since it used to be called Siegfried.

The 38 cm SK C/34 naval gun might be the same, but the control unit is slightly different. What a shame. Hopefully, there are three 30.5 cm (12.0 in) guns at Friedrich August Battery, to the north of Boulogne-sur-Mer, again in France, which basically use the same gun controls as ours. I have already contacted their maintainers and they will be sending us some spare pieces. Until then, expect a 1 minute and 30 seconds delay before the first shot. For any question, meet me in the maintenance room.


Friedrich B. Franke

Battery Gun Maintenance Chief

Seawall Battery, North Africa


To: SS-Oberfuhrer Wilhelm Strasse

From: Karl von Starke

Subject: POW

Date: September 1, 1942

I'd like to draw to your attention regarding the recent capture and subsequent evasion of a British agent. He was being held in one of our North African prison camps for weeks, yet he managed to escape. All we obtained from torture and interrogation was his codename: "Agent One."

While I have my own theories regarding his employer, his motives were clear to me: since he was captured aboard the Tirpitz (how he got there is still unclear), he certainly was aware of the experimental 38 cm shells projects ordered by the Kriegsmarine, and looking for classified information. I don't think it's safe in pursuing the tests in Kugelstadt's Secret Weapon Facility any longer.

Best regards,

Karl von Starke

Seawall Battery, North Africa


To: Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel

From: SS-Oberfuhrer Wilhelm Strasse

Subject: Siegfried

Date: October 27, 1942

Having co-designed the 38 cm SK C/34 naval gun for more than ten years, try to imagine my pride today witnessing Siegfried destroy Allied shipping.

Then again, thank you for asking me to oversee today's operation. I can promise you that the gun controls delay will not be a problem. I will personally handle the needed countdown leading to the shot of the first shell. Speaking of which, the Bismark-class battleship Tirpitz will be armed with experimental 38 cm shells as soon as it arrives in Ullsfjorden in Norway, near by X-Labs. I have been working jointly with the Kriegsmarine for months on this, and it will be yet another critical step in our naval dominance.


SS-Oberfuhrer Wilhelm Strasse

Special Projects Leader, SS Paranormal Division

Siegfried Battery, North Africa

Gold Rush[]

Status Report[]

To: Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel

From: Officer Wilhelm W. Farster

Subject: Status Report

Date: November 19, 1942

The shipment of gold has arrived to the Tobruk Central Bank. As such, following your orders, and with Major Gerhard Wechsler's help, I have managed to persuade the locals to assist us in keeping a watchful eye in most of North Africa, including Ras el-Hadid, which will be vital to the upcoming operation. Their knowledge of the area will be invaluable, and they should be able to alert us of any potential situations with the local community.

While most of the rebels have joined our side, there are still many to deal with. But only Ras el-Hadid matters in this whole "bargaining chip" affair, I suppose. The operation planned by the SS Paranormal Division must be very important for such means to be deployed.


Officer Wilhelm W. Farster

Tobruk Security Chief Officer

Tobruk, North Africa

Würzburg Radar[]

"Agent Two"[]

To: All Watch Personnel

From: Kristine C. C. Fischer

Subject: "Agent Two"

Date: May 28, 1943

Under order of Wolfgang Statz, a squad of Elite Guards has been deployed between each of the bunkers near the villa, in order to eliminate the spy that's been helping the resistance as of late. Enemy transmissions identify her as "Agent Two", and she has been spotted in the area just a few hours ago. Don't underestimate her, as she is very dangerous and stealthy, using techniques similar to ours in the Elite Guard. Do not let your guard down with her, and always watch your back!


Kristine C. C. Fischer

SS Elite Guard, Würzburg Radar Security

Project Nachtsonne[]

To: Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler

From: Wolfgang Statz

Subject: Project Nachtsonne

Date: April 1, 1943

As you know, I have invited some of the remaining best elements of the Reich for a meeting regarding Project Nachtsonne. The meeting was supposed to occur at Chateau Schuffstaffel, but you already know what has become of this place. While I was saddened to learn you will not be attending the meeting, I understand your reasons.

I was there. I can't forget the look on your face when you witnessed what this damn American did. I am really sorry for you, and I am honored you entrusted me with this task. I have already been called to Isenstadt by the Oberstgruppenfuhrer Viktor Zetta, and once there I will do whatever I can to make the American pay for what he did. You may have lost your Fuhrer's esteem, but not mine.


Wolfgang Statz

62A specifications[]

To: All Würzburg Radar Maintainers

From: Deputy Reichsminister Ungeschickt

Subject: 62A specifications

Date: April 6, 1943

Below are the specifications of the new radar systems. It is based on the D model, but it uses a much larger parabolic reflector to further improve resolution at the cost of no longer being mobile - Radar Parts located externally as a result, so watch for them!

Azimuth: 0a 360A

Elevation: 0a 90A

Diameter: 7.5 metres (25 ft)

Frequency: 560 MHz

Power: 8 kW

Precision: +15 metres (49 ft)

PRF: 1875 per second

Pulsewidth: 2 microseconds

Range: up to 70 km (43 mi)

For any question on calibration, refer to the instructions on the back of the antenna. Also, note that the device will fold if the Radar Parts are disconnected.


Deputy Reichsminister Ungeschickt

Bad News[]

To: Oberst Walter Steiner

From: Wilhelm von Starke

Subject: Bad News

Date: May 6, 1943

In the past weeks, we have been able to extensively decrypt enemy communications, and we believe the enemy aerial reconnaissance might have just managed to identify some of our installations, though I doubt they know the nature of the equipment we're using.

This is bad. Very bad.

I wouldn't be surprised if the enemy crossed our lines again to steal our technology. It's only a matter of weeks - or days - I believe. I mean, after the V2 Rocket fiasco, anything's possible, don't you think? What if they sent this damn American again? I just can't get rid of the thought that we work hard on these experiments just to see them stolen and then being used against us eventually.


Wilhelm von Starke

Rail Gun[]

Dora specifications[]

To: All Rail Gun Personnel

From: Deputy Reichsminister Ungeschickt

Subject: Dora specifications

Date: June 6, 1943

Below are the specifications of the Dora railway gun. These are based on the Schwerer Gustav. It is the very same that was deployed in Stalingrad back in August. Data collected in Rugenwalde.

Barrel length: 32.5 metres (106 ft 8 in) L/40, 6

Caliber: 80 centimetres (31 in)

Crew: 250+2000 and 2 flak battalions

Effective firing range: c. 39,000 metres (43,000 yd)

Elevation: Max of 48A

Height: 11.6 metres (38 ft 1 in)

Length: 47.3 metres (155 ft 2 in)

Width: 7.1 metres (23 ft 4 in)

Mass: 1,350 tonnes (1,490 short tons; 1,330 long tons)

Maximum firing range: 47,000 metres (51,000 yd)

Muzzle velocity: 820 m/s (2,700 ft/s)

Rate of fire: 14 rounds a day

For any questions in calibration, contact maintenance sub-factory in Grafenwohr.

Dora's ammunition[]

To: All Maintenance Personnel

From: Oberst Walter Steiner

Subject: Dora's ammunition

Date: June 17, 1943

Two types of ammunition have been developed. Each of them has a specific purpose on the battlefield, so use the following indications as reference sheet.

High Explosive

Weight: 4,800 kg (10,600 Ib)

Muzzle velocity: 820 m/s (2,700 ft/s)

Maximum range: 48 km (30 mi)

Explosive weight: 700 kg (1,500 Ib)

Effect: Crater size: 9.1 m (30 ft) wide 9.1 m (30 ft) deep

Armor Piercing

Length: 3.6 m (11 ft 10 in)

Weight: 7,100 kg (15,700 Ib)

Muzzle velocity: 720 m/s (2,400 ft/s)

Maximum range: 38 km (24 mi)

Explosive weight: 250 kg (550 Ib)

Effect: Penetration:

7 m (23 ft) of concrete at maximum elevation (beyond that available during combat) with a special charge. Notes: The main body was made out of chrome-nickel steel, fitted with an aluminum alloy ballistic nose cone.


Oberst Walter Steiner

Ammo loading procedure[]

To: All Maintenance Personnel

From: Christoph Machtig

Subject: Ammo loading procedure

Date: July 21, 1943

The ammunition is directly transported from the nearest trainyard to the depot yard, once a day (14 rounds a day). From there, follow the usual procedure as indicated below:

1. Load the ammo onto the depot yard's tug using the crane

2. Move the depot yard's tug to the north crane

3. Load the ammo onto Dora's nearby tug using the north crane

4. Move Dora's nearby tug to the railway gun itself

The Dora railway gun crew will handle the rest of the operation.


Christoph Machtig

Immediate threat[]

To: Christoph Machtig

From: Sophia C. Frank

Subject: Immediate threat

Date: July 26, 1943

Our security might have just been breached. I would like to draw to your attention on what the Elite Guards have noticed that your infantry missed: a hole in the fence near the depot yard, behind the cliff. Previously placed landmines were also disarmed and disposed of. Doesn't look like a solo job, from my expertise. It's obviously a team effort.

It's not the first time an enemy squad crosses enemy lines, but this one is made of pros, for sure. An attack could be imminent!


Sophia C. Frank

Fuel Dump[]

Suspected allied attack[]

To: SS-Oberfuhrer Wilhelm Strasse

From: Christoph Machtig

Subject: Suspected allied attack

Date: September 27, 1943

It only makes sense to believe the allies are planning an attack. Our external security troops have spotted traces of tank wheels on the road behind the cliff. And it's nothing like we've seen before. Could be an experimental weapon!

I have already contacted the nearest outpost, and ordered all troops to come back at once. Until then, guard teams will stay on high alert.


Christoph Machtig

Extreme security[]

To: All Watch Personnel

From: Major Vorsichtig

Subject: Extreme security

Date: August 19, 1943

Under order of SS Oberfuhrer Wilhelm Strasse, security has been reinforced in the outskirts of what used to be the V2 Rocket Base forest compound. All troops must report back immediately to HQ in case of any suspicious event. Additionally, Uber Soldat prototypes have been deployed in the surrounding area, including the tunnel checkpoint.


Major Vorsichtig

Project Nachtsonne[]

To: Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler

From: SS-Oberfuhrer Wilhelm Strasse

Subject: Project Nachtsonne

Date: September 16, 1943

The American agent might have undermined everything we sought to accomplish, he certainly did not break our resolve. As long as I live, my dream and ambition will remain.

I will make him pay. Even if it means relying on the occult which, has you know, is not my cup of tea. I will abandon my convictions this time. I will think differently. Project Nachtsonne will succeed!


SS-Oberfuhrer Wilhelm Strasse

Letter to family[]

To: Fuchs family

From: Karl C. B. Fuchs

Subject: Letter to family

Date: August 21, 1943

I probably won't be coming back home for a while. I will soon be transferred to Isenstadt for a classified operation of the Reich. I can't say much more, unfortunately.

I know last time I said I'd be back home soon. I'm sorry I gave you false hopes once more. I'm sorry.

I love you.



Book of Death[]

To: Captain Olaf Schaap

From: SS Oberfuhrer Marianna Blavatsky

Subject: Book of Death

Date: June 23, 1943

The Book of Death is an invaluable artifact! I cannot believe the Paranormal Division still exists, but also managed to find the item! Needless to say that we cannot let it fall into the enemy's claws... It may come to be useful to us later on, especially now that our dear Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler assigned me to potential, future occult operations. That is why I have asked for a replica to be made. Said replica is currently in the room adjacent to the generator of the guardhouse. Since you are apparently in charge of my exfiltration escort, I personally ask you to place the Book of Death replica in the ritual chamber, after I leave with the real one.


Former SS-Oberfuhrer Marianna Blavatsky,

High Priestess, SS Paranormal Division

Warbell Castle, Central Europe

Operation Re-resurrection[]

To: Reichsfuhrer-SS Heinrich Himmler

From: SS Oberfuhrer Marianna Blavatsky

Subject: Operation Re-resurrection

Date: June 12, 1943

My good friend and leader,

Writing these lines, I am as surprised as I'm certain you will be as you lay your eyes on this letter...

It is me indeed - your servant! But... How can this be?! It appears that the Staff of Ra we were seeking in North Africa not only led the SS Paranormal Division to find the lost ark, but also the Book of Death, somewhere in the City of the Dead, in Egypt. I was reborn from my very ashes thanks to its dark magic incantations, reminiscent of the Thule alchemy... And now, I am about to resurrect Operation Resurrection itself! This time, with an artifact as powerful as the Book of Death in our possession, nothing will stop us! Heinrich will be born anew, and the age of darkness shall finally prevail! And we will celebrate it as we drink the raining blood of our enemies!

Your eternal servant,

Former SS-Oberfuhrer Marianna Blavatsky,

High Priestess, SS Paranormal Division

Warbell Castle, Central Europe
