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Related to BUND: bund wall
BUNDBundeswehr (German Armed Forces)
BUNDBund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (Association for Environment and Nature Protection; German branch of Friends of the Earth)
BUNDBritish Universities Newsreel Database
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In view of the growing panic in the area, Kandhkot-Kashmore Deputy Commissioner Munawwar Ali Mithiani also visited the site a couple of days back and tried to soothe villagers by saying that there was no immediate threat to the bund. He told local reporters that the people were afraid of a 'hoax'.
Participants are undergoing training sessions in Tank Bund since last one month and they aspire to win titles in the upcoming senior nations.
He said SAM had issued a statement regarding this illegal dumping of waste back along bund roads in 2017 but no action was taken then.
During a heated planning committee meeting, councillors heard that acceptable measures were in place to mitigate noise and dust emanating from construction of the bund, as well as the loss of peat.
Any kind of slackness in this regard will not be tolerated at any cost, he warned and directed increasing patrolling and monitoring along the bunds round-the-clock.
Soon enemy tank noises were heard coming from the direction of Fazilka-Sulaimanki (metal road) in the south heading towards the Gurmukhera Bridge along the bund and also from the eastern direction of Gurmukhera village.
A witness said that some coupons that looked like "dollar bill" were being thrown from a building's third-floor window near the Bund and people standing along the river bank started to scramble for these coupons.
Town councillor and Glasdir resident, Katy Morgan Williams said: "We were euphoric after hearing we'd had all the funding for the bund and at the possibility that the work could start before Christmas.
Once the most powerful European Jewish socialist movement, the Jewish Socialist Bund was utterly decimated during the Second World War.
This is exemplified by the Bund 12 building--formerly known as the historical HSBC building, now home to the Shanghai Pudong Development (SPD) Bank.