bund wall

bund wall

[′bənd ‚wȯl]
A retaining wall designed to contain the contents of a tank or a storage vessel in the event of a rupture or other emergency.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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Transfer pumping liquid over a bund wall from one lagoon to another.
Under the terms of the contract, CHEC will be responsible for the construction of the bund wall and coffer dam, sourcing and transporting rock armour and materials to Swansea Bay, and managing all landside and marine crews associated with this element of the build.
The total length of the lagoon wall is about 10km, with 9.5km of bund wall and 400m of concrete structures housing 16 turbines and 8 sluice gates.
Smethwick firefighters were called out to the 700-pupil school at around 6.15am after the oil breached a bund wall surrounding the tanks, escaping into the boiler room.
The defendants said that an employee had activated a pump without checking the level in the tank and the liquid had overflowed into the bund, then seeped through the bund wall.
In addition they offer a wide variety of other environmental services including risk assessment, site surveys, structured training courses held on-site or in in-house, tank and bund surveys and a bund wall reclining service.
It will encroach on about 2% of the lake when full and a compacted earthfill bund wall will be constructed around the outer perimeter of the ultimate pit to provide permanent isolation from the lake.
With planning applications due to be submitted shortly, a section of bund wall has been constructed to scale in a 1.2 metre deep flume at HR Wallingford in Oxfordshire.
The leakage, which collected into the tank's protective bund wall, produced a small cloud of gas and police instructed the nearby residents of an old people's home to keep their doors and windows shut.
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