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(ˌbʌndəlˈkʌnd; -ˈxʌnd)
(Placename) a region of central India: formerly native states, now mainly part of Madhya Pradesh
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For more than a year now, young Rahul has tirelessly championed the cause of the blighted Bundelkhand region, that comprises 14 districts spread over Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
24 ( ANI ): Development Alternatives, which is a pioneer in sustainable development and the first social enterprise in India with a proven record of strengthening the economic and social structure of the rural economy, is transforming the lives of the youth and in particular the feminine gender in Madhya Pradesh's Bundelkhand region.
THE Union cabinet's decision to announce a drought package of Rs 7,277 crore for the Bundelkhand region in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh has reopened the Kosi wounds of Bihar.
(iii) continuing the special package for implementing drought mitigation strategies in Bundelkhand region of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh in 2012-13 with an Additional Central Assistance of Rs.1400 crore.
THE CENTRE on Thursday cleared a Rs 7,266- crore package for the development of the drought- hit Bundelkhand region spread across Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh.
"In Bundelkhand he (Mulayam Singh Yadav) had said, 'I will convert Bundelkhand into Israel'.
The loss that this team had to face in Madhya Pradesh, now I will defeat them in Uttar Pradesh because they have cheated in the name of a package for Bundelkhand," she said.
New Delhi, Dec 8(ANI): Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi today assured that the missing drought relief package allotted to Uttar Pradesh's Bundelkhand district would soon reach its final destination.
Summary: Banda (Uttar Pradesh) [India], June 24 (ANI): While most parts of Bundelkhand is reeling under severe water crisis, a village in the drought-hit Banda district of UP has gone back to traditional conservation techniques to revive existing water bodies and is serving as a role model to others.
However, the BJP accused the Uttar Pradesh government of not being serious about tackling the drought in Bundelkhand saying it had failed to take any long- term measures to check the perennial problem and also alleged massive corruption in relief work.