bunching onion

Related to bunching onion: Welsh onion, Scallions

bunch·ing onion

An onion (Allium fistulosum) that does not form a well-developed bulb and is grown for its multiple stems of hollow leaves. Also called Welsh onion.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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According to the findings of Yamasaki and Tanaka, (2005) Bolting in bunching onion (Allium fistulosum L.) enhanced by low nitrogen following exposure to low temperature for a period of 35 days.
Bunching onion is a typical outcrossing crop due to protandry [1].
On March 3, 2009, all of the bunching onion cultigens were harvested.
B Patio Vegetable Collection: Carrots, Courgette, Capsicum, Leek, Bunching Onion, Beet, Tomato, Dwarf Runner Bean, Salad Leaf Mix.
"So although it was impossible to prize any information on varieties out of the farmer, I was sure that what they were calling leeks in the programme were what we know as Japanese bunching onions.
Make an early summer lunch date with your mom for quick-growing baby lettuce mixes, spinach, bunching onions, and radishes, or select gourmet cucumbers, sweet carrots, tender head lettuces, and rainbow-stemmed Swiss chard for cool crunch in midsummer heat.
Type Description Bunching onions Instead of forming bulbs, these cold-hardy, scallions, green disease-resistant plants multiply by division, onions forming clumps of scallions.
"Commodities such as Chinese cabbage and oriental bunching onions are storable, but losses during storage can be further reduced."
I put a cheap edging along the sidewalk to keep my now precious soil in the bed and planted starts of lettuce, radish, nasturtiums and later six corn plants, bush beans, chives and bunching onions. I was given some climbing beans and trained them up the side of my small covered porch.
Japanese bunching onions yield a steady supply of stems you can use like scallions.