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vb, -buries, -burying or -buried
to create a fictitious scenario that provides an excuse for avoiding unwanted engagements
[Coined by Oscar Wilde in The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: bunburyed
Gerund: bunburying

I bunbury
you bunbury
he/she/it bunburies
we bunbury
you bunbury
they bunbury
I bunburyed
you bunburyed
he/she/it bunburyed
we bunburyed
you bunburyed
they bunburyed
Present Continuous
I am bunburying
you are bunburying
he/she/it is bunburying
we are bunburying
you are bunburying
they are bunburying
Present Perfect
I have bunburyed
you have bunburyed
he/she/it has bunburyed
we have bunburyed
you have bunburyed
they have bunburyed
Past Continuous
I was bunburying
you were bunburying
he/she/it was bunburying
we were bunburying
you were bunburying
they were bunburying
Past Perfect
I had bunburyed
you had bunburyed
he/she/it had bunburyed
we had bunburyed
you had bunburyed
they had bunburyed
I will bunbury
you will bunbury
he/she/it will bunbury
we will bunbury
you will bunbury
they will bunbury
Future Perfect
I will have bunburyed
you will have bunburyed
he/she/it will have bunburyed
we will have bunburyed
you will have bunburyed
they will have bunburyed
Future Continuous
I will be bunburying
you will be bunburying
he/she/it will be bunburying
we will be bunburying
you will be bunburying
they will be bunburying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been bunburying
you have been bunburying
he/she/it has been bunburying
we have been bunburying
you have been bunburying
they have been bunburying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been bunburying
you will have been bunburying
he/she/it will have been bunburying
we will have been bunburying
you will have been bunburying
they will have been bunburying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been bunburying
you had been bunburying
he/she/it had been bunburying
we had been bunburying
you had been bunburying
they had been bunburying
I would bunbury
you would bunbury
he/she/it would bunbury
we would bunbury
you would bunbury
they would bunbury
Past Conditional
I would have bunburyed
you would have bunburyed
he/she/it would have bunburyed
we would have bunburyed
you would have bunburyed
they would have bunburyed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
References in classic literature ?
The path to Bunbury seemed little traveled, but it was distinct enough and ran through the trees in a zigzag course until it finally led them to an open space filled with the queerest houses Dorothy had ever seen.
There was something of a commotion in Bunbury when the strangers suddenly appeared among them.
Everything in Bunbury is eatable to ravenous human creatures like you.
Bunn rather stiffly; "but the fact remains that our town is called Bunbury."
Over, and I'm the President of the Bunbury Breakfast Band."
One of the complainants is former Holme Valley Parish councillor Elena Bunbury, from Honley.
SHROPSHIRE all-rounder Harry Cooke has been called up to represent the Midlands Under-15s at the prestigious Bunbury Festival next month at Felsted School in Essex, writes Dave Ballinger.
RESIDENTS and visitors to Bunbury will now be able to enjoy a new public area off Tweddle Close, which has been generously planted by a house builder as a legacy gift to the community.
The name of the race was decided by a toss of a coin between the 12th Earl of Derby and Sir Charles Bunbury. Bunbury had the consolation of seeing his horse, Diomed, partnered by jockey Sam Arnull, win the race.
Bunge Australia's new grain terminal at Bunbury is now six months into full operation and performing well, having loaded its fourth ship in December 2014, with a cargo of barley destined for China.
The victim was struck outside the GP surgery in Bunbury Road at the junction with Hole Lane, at about 4.50pm on Wednesday.