(redirected from Bund Deutscher Haarformer EV)
BDHBryce Dallas Howard (actress)
BDHBund Deutscher Hebammen (German: Federation of German Midwives)
BDHBilinear Diffie-Hellman Problem (mathematics)
BDHBurani Designer Holding (Italy)
BDHBig Damn Hero (characters in TV show Firefly/Serenity)
BDHBoule de Haine (French: Ball of Hate)
BDHBirmingham Dental Hospital (UK)
BDHBarbie Dream House (toy)
BDHBrusthöhendurchmesser (German: Chest High Diameter, Forestry)
BDHBelgian Draft Horse
BDHBrown Daily Herald, Inc. (Brown University; Providence, RI)
BDHBearing, Distance & Heading
BDHBund Deutscher Haarformer EV (German Hairdressers Association)
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