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Flood work ruined by a sewage pipe; Discovery sends plans back to drawing board.


A SEWER pipe has scuppered urgent flood defence works on Ruthin's Glasdir Estate - just after the Welsh Government finally agreed to help fund the scheme.

Victory was short lived for residents living on the development site, who had been "euphoric" at the news that the PS100k shortfall was to be met by Minister for Natural Resources, Alun Davies.

Denbighshire Council and Taylor Wimpey had each pledged a third of the cost of raising a flood relief bund, as recommended in a report by independent experts.

But a sewer pipe was discovered within the flood defence embankment, meaning planners have had to go back to the drawing board.

Last night, Denbighshire Council said they are considering inserting a wall into the bund instead stressing work will be carried out "as quickly as possible."

Town councillor and Glasdir resident, Katy Morgan Williams said: "We were euphoric after hearing we'd had all the funding for the bund and at the possibility that the work could start before Christmas.

"Finding out about the sewer pipe has been a real blow and means there will be delays and consultations over what will be done to the bund instead.

"Who knows how long that will take?" Denbighshire Council's head of highways and environmental services, Steve Parker, said: "We understand the frustration of Glasdir residents but it is important to stress that we must have the right solution for the location, and a solution that will work.

"Since receiving Dr Venables' ''' report, we have been focussed on two main courses of action.

"The first has been securing the funding, and the second has been to translate Dr Venables' ''' recommendations into a full scheme design.

"We have now modelled the potential flood levels, and we have moved onto the detailed design stage.

"Dr Venables'''' report always envisaged that a wall would be required at any pinch points, and there are several of these, including a Welsh Water sewer. "Delaying the project in order to wait for an expensive sewer diversion is not really an option.

"Incorporating a small wall into the bund will help us to solve this problem.

"The hybrid bund will also be a lot smaller in scale and extent than a large earth bund would be. That means we can build it a lot quicker.

" If the inclusion of a wall will help us to prevent flooding, if it will facilitate a more proportionate design, and if it will help us to deliver the scheme earlier, then I think people should at least consider it.

"As soon as we have some photomontages of the various options, we will be sharing them with representatives of the residents' ''' committee.

"My suggestion is therefore for people to remain open minded, at least until they have seen what is being proposed."


SETBACK: Glasdir Estate in Ruthin
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Publication:Daily Post (Conwy, Wales)
Date:Nov 23, 2013
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