(redirected from Leak Detection)
Category filter:
LDLearning Disabled
LDLong Distance
LDLow Density
LDLethal Dose
LDLabor Day (US holiday)
LDLearning Disability
LDLincoln-Douglas Debate
LDLaser Disc
LDLight Duty
LDLegislative District
LDLaser Diode
LDLyme Disease
LDLearning Design
LDLay Down (engine type)
LDLiver Disease
LDLighting Designer (theatre)
LDLower Division (degree plan)
LDLoading Dock
LDLiberal Democrat (UK)
LDLinkage Disequilibrium (genetics)
LDLeak Detection
LDLine Driver
LDLimited Distribution (medications)
LDLocal Directory
LDLow Down (song title)
LDLeonardo Dicaprio (actor)
LDLlandrindod Wells (postcode, United Kingdom)
LDLady Day
LDLower Denomination
LDLamina Dura (radiology)
LDLet's Dance
LDLarry David
LDLicensed Dietitian
LDLabor and Delivery
LDLiving Dead (gaming clan)
LDLimit of Detection
LDLine of Duty
LDLaw Degree
LDLoading Dose
LDLiquidated Damages (contracts)
LDLight-Dark Cycle
LDLunar Distance (distance between Earth and the Moon)
LDLast Dose
LDLadder Diagram
LDLibrary Loader (Unix)
LDLibyan Dinar (unit of currency)
LDLow Definition
LDLifestyle Design
LDLocal Distribution
LDLine of Departure
LDLucid Dream
LDLiving Donor
LDLactic Dehydrogenase
LDLand Disposal
LDLighting Director (touring musical acts)
LDLandscape Designer
LDLink Dead (gaming)
LDLegionnaire's Disease
LDLaser Designator
LDLogic Diagram
LDLooper's Delight (music resource)
LDLands Department (Hong Kong)
LDLame Ducks (band)
LDLow Drag
LDLarge Drives (Siemens A&D)
LDLarge Deviation
LDLayer Depth
LDLater Dude
LDLimited Deployment
LDLaboratory Development
LDLemon Demon (band)
LDLoop Disconnect (telecommunications)
LDLong Dwell
LDThe Light Dragoons (a British Regiment)
LDLaunch Director
LDListwise Deletion
LDLow Dermal
LDLogic Driver
LDLabor Doula (childbirth)
LDLAN Destination (ATM)
LDLalbhai Dalpatbhai Arts College (Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India)
LDLine Drawer
LDLittle District
LDLeft Defence
LDLegal Driver
LDLinear Decision
LDLuminescence Detector
LDLight Defense (gaming)
LDLinear Dispersive
LDLoaded Deployability
LDLetter Directive
LDLake Doctor
LDLocate & Destroy
LDLeader Designation
LDLogistic Demonstration
LDLaser Dragoon (Star Kingdoms game)
LDLoser Denial (band)
LDLost Descendant (gaming clan)
LDLocalizer Deviation
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References in periodicals archive ?
"It's thrilling to be looking at the famous London skyline silhouette and know that we are helping to protect it" Mark Harris, left, commercial director of Marsden-based Andel, whose Floodline leak detection system is helping to protect landmarks in the capital including the Houses of Parliament and the Shard, below right
Aquatec Group has been manufacturing innovative instruments for measuring, monitoring and communicating in water since 1990, and offer a proven range of subsea leak detection sensors including long range fluorometers, directional acoustic sensor and differential temperature detectors.
In many industries, UV leak detection, which uses fluorescent additives and a blue (450nm) UV light, is well established as the simplest and most reliable way to pinpoint escaping fluids.
Progressive water utilities like PWSB are deploying advanced leak detection solutions to reduce water losses, lower associated pumping and treatment costs and prevent major leak events.
LeakTronics founder, Darren Merlob, is more than just a leak detection equipment developer.
Water Intelligence plc provides leak detection and remediation products and services for residential, commercial, and municipal customers in the United States, the United Kingdom, and internationally.
Oil and Gas Pipeline Leak Detection System (LDS) Market: Trends, Opportunities and Forecasts (2015-2020) report.
[USPRwire, Tue Nov 10 2015] Leak Detection Market for Oil & Gas by Technology (Negative Pressure Wave, E-RTTM, Fiber Optic Cables, Vpor Sensing Tubes, Mass-Volume Balance Method, and Others), by Type (Upstream, Midstream and Downstream) and Region (America, Europe, Middle East and Africa) - Global Forecast to 2020
* Rapid demand growth in Asia is also providing new markets for Russian oil and gas and with traditional importers in the west expected to curb their energy demand, major new interregional projects may be realised during the forecast period, such as the pipeline planned to connect Russia to South Korea.PIPELINE LEAK DETECTION MARKET FORECAST Increasing demand for fuel worldwide has been driving expansion in the oil and gas pipeline network across the globe.
The new technology uses the Internet to continuously transmit data from permanent acoustic monitors that aid in proactive leak detection. New Jersey American Water technicians equipped with additional electronic devices, use computer software to processes the digital signals and analyze the sound, and time of travel of the sound generated by a leak to accurately calculate its location.
'PACK-VAC' a low cost, portable leak detection system able to detect leaks in individual packages without the need for trace gases will be shown.