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  • On Beta yet.

    Well. It's a work in progress.

    I published the mod here because the forum allows me a direct feedback.

    I accept suggestions and additions. I'm also pending work and some possible ideas. Please, check the TODO.txt contained in the mod.


  • Argentina Colony Logo - Argentina's National Space Plan

    The first release of Argentina Colony Logo is out. It adds two colony logos featuring the argentinian flag, both are similar, but one has a darker flag.
    This mod is part of the set of mods Argentina's National Space Plan. Currently this set includes mods that adds mission logos inspired by argentinian space missions and companies.
    If the COVID-19-related quarantine is long enough this mod will be followed (or updated) with a mod adding Argentina as a mission sponsor.

    Se lanzó el mod Argentina Colony Logo. Agrega dos logos de colonia con la bandera argentina. Los logos son muy similares, lo único que cambia es que uno tiene un color celeste más oscuro (en el tono de los logos para paises incluidos en el juego).
    Este mod es parte del conjunto de mods A...

  • Colonists Of Mars

    This is a story chain mod, kinda like a Mystery but with a chance to trigger in ANY game, no matter what your selected Mystery is. 

    And it's not related to the Ghost Of Mars movie, I just liked the cover art. 

    You can expect about ~10 popups of story bits divided over 20-30 sols resulting in two possible endings. 

    Thanks to ChoGGi, Silva for their tips and modding wisdom and especially Mil for his help....

  • Please read this before reporting bugs.

    It's be nice if you posted bug reports here

    Please try to provide this information when making a bug report:
    A log from when the issue happened (AppData\Surviving Mars\Logs).
    A copy of CheatMenuModSettings.lua (AppData\Surviving Mars).
    A list of mods enabled.
    The steps taken to have the issue occur.
    A copy of the savegame would also be appreciated.
    Thank you....

  • MrBASins Missile Defence

    Missile Defense, I increase the range by 40 tiles, so it does a bigger area that it was set for. I be doing a better one with a larger range. I have also set some of the materials high; due to unlocking....

  • MrBASins: Drone Outpost

    The Drone Outpost is a creation that gives a bigger service area. This Outpost is linked to a basic Drone hub, so you can use both building with each other for better operations so you can dismantle or create extra ground drones for your life on the Red Planet. ...

  • MrBASins BioDome Pack

    My Bio-dome Package of the Basic and Oval Dome (l'll add the others later). These two domes have been setting in my list of creation via the game, for some time for me to tweak for my personal liking; Outside of the one I upload (Be Well Bio-dome). However, I’m releasing them as a package. I know There are other great versions of this already by other creators. And would like to say great job to the ones that have already done it. 

    I've looked over some of them, some truly look great and/or interesting but personally I haven’t bothered to downloaded them, do to me doing my own things and creations, for my own personal gameplay. So, I assume some are probably much better than mine, but what the hell I’m posting these anyway for however wishes to download or use them anywa...

  • MrBASins: Crop Pack One (Beta)

    Hello Everyone; This is some New crops to grow for both farms, so you have a more to pick from. Keep in mind that each crop does have effect on your colonies survival and will help them and/or heal there illness...
