RSS Reviews  (40 - 60 of 174,814)

Call of Duty Rio

Mod review may contain spoilers by RicardoGamer79 Agree Disagree

Ola sou o Ricardo, vulgo (Ricardo Gamer79). Sou meio novato na area ai, mais sou muito apaixonado por games, principalmente estilp GUERRA, comecei esse ano a jogar pelo pc, com muita batalha adquiri meu pc game, e tenho um gande sonho ser um streamer e crescer muito na area ai. gostei muito da plataforma e do trabalho de voces, e espero pode ajudar muito voces no que der, o que eu puder divulgar por favor me envie no meu email ok. desde muito obrigado e que DEUS ABENCOE O PROJETO DE VOCES .....TMJ


Napoleonic Total War 3

Mod review by Satyr-10 Agree Disagree

The mod is perfect, only thing it needs is adding the ottoman empire as a playable faction



Game review by ice_trey Agree Disagree

play RTcW instead, the game from 2001 (Y)


DoctorX Call of The Zone

Mod review by badgerousos Agree (1) Disagree

hell yeah



Mod review by Akis_02 Agree Disagree



Half-Life: Field Intensity

Mod review by MyNamesRubber Agree Disagree

Brilliantly made game with great maps and an interesting story. I was never bored at any point in this game nor did I ever find myself confused or stuck.

I will say however, it seems to be prone to random crashing. Of course that could just be me.


Half-Life: Xen's Horror

Early access mod review may contain spoilers by DreamSoftware Agree Disagree

i loved :3


Station 51

Mod review by Bounter Agree Disagree

While this mod's look, feels, and also atmosphere are pretty good pretty much all the way through (until Combine Base Finale), I will have to heavily criticise it for it's insanely BS and punishing difficulty.

Usually, you're given less than 40 armor, against usually 5+ Combine soldiers, either assisted by Hunters or Boss Enemies. Not only that, but lack of ammo for high tier weapons like Magnum, Crossbow, or stuff to throw with G-Gun, makes these encounters very annoying. You're basically forced to play like a wuss, to not lose all your HP and barely any Armor.

Lack of HEV and HP chargers is also odd, even in Combine base they are nowhere to be seen.

That being said though, I'd still recommend it, as a relatively short, and neat experience, but, play it on Normal for your own sake. I beaten mods where you get 0 Armor, and that **** was less painful.


Half-Life: Bear Up

Early access mod review by RedLazer5000 Agree Disagree

This mod is better than Half-Life: Xen's Horror (aka Half-Life: Dumpsterfire Horror)


SCP: CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod

Mod review by Gamer_006 Agree Disagree

This game is amazing ! Good work !


Pirates Über Alles

Mod review by EasyEi8ht Agree Disagree




Game review by cynicgreat Agree Disagree

Fun game! Love the style, although the maps need more variety. It is mostly just dark castles.


GD Stash

Mod review by feillyne Agree Disagree

Perfect for testing and everything else. ;-)



Mod review by AMM_AG Agree Disagree

That vorts killed me after i picked up mp7, and i've used easy difficulty


Steinwolf 3D - The Way IT Did

Mod review by MilHouse.wad Agree Disagree

Very good!


The Affect

Mod review by frieman4993 Agree Disagree

A very solid 8/10 for this one! Beautiful and diverse maps, an emotional storyline, and intricate effects outweigh the clunky plot, occasionally unclear direction (thanks as always to SwankestCZ for the video walkthrough), and minimal puzzles. Give this one a try for something a little different but with the same Amnesia flavor you know and love!



Mod review by ManChrzan Agree Disagree

Pretty cool mod, a bit too glitchy though.


NLC 7: Hard Edition

Mod review by CJ-Jones Agree Disagree

I am a vegetable that likes to eat Sid's a$$.


Doom Mod Loader

Mod review by Jevzinho Agree Disagree




Mod review by CaptPatrick01 Agree Disagree

Says it created a shortcut on the desktop but there is no shortcut and cannot get it to reattempt even after a clean install. Also says it's the wrong game DLL API version after creating the shortcut manually. Will only boot with the d3_a version even through ROE does not exist on the PC.