Mysterious and psychological story that follows the good ending of Amnesia: TDD.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 22)

A very solid 8/10 for this one! Beautiful and diverse maps, an emotional storyline, and intricate effects outweigh the clunky plot, occasionally unclear direction (thanks as always to SwankestCZ for the video walkthrough), and minimal puzzles. Give this one a try for something a little different but with the same Amnesia flavor you know and love!

and starwars helmed, and 3 guys hahaha.

Fantastic As always


- Tries something different in terms of story
- Some creativity
- Attempt to build up the story in a nice way


- Nothing is logical here, which is excused with "Daniel is insane"
- Several changes and ideas were implemented just because you could
- Female screen is twice as loud as the game sounds, forcing me to quickly pause the game. Do NOT do that

- Some bizarre mistakes in the level design
- Grammar could use some improvements (although I understand what you mean)
- Mod is over 1.7GB large, when in reality it could be 500MB or less, but author is apparently too lazy to remove uncessessary files. When told to fix this, he responds with this:

This is a really mixed bag.

------ Story ------

Certain things I really liked. It's hard to make a story about Daniel and Alexander good, but you made something different, and for a while, it was actually interesting. However, it quickly moves over to illogical territory. Alexander is for some reason in this mod, despite the mod being based on the good ending in the main game (when Alexander is killed).

The house at the beginning is on fire despite the fact that a rainstorm is ongoing. You made the fires using coal, for some reason, instead of using particle effects and sounds.

Prisons are always unlocked randomly for seemingly no reason.

After long sequences, you are back to where you started because none of that was real and your efforts were for nothing.

All the illogical in this mod is explained with "Daniel is insane".

He hears voices in his head all the time because he is "insane".

This story has been done to death at this point.

A good story should have twists. You should plant small hints that Daniel is guilty of being a murderer without making it obvious, and at the end reveal that he is. Here, it was never a twist. It was obvious right from the beginning.

The only twist, is that the voices he hears is actually The shadow.

But, I thought this was based on the good ending? In the good ending, Daniel is redeemed and he is free to go. The shadow leaves him alone. What are the shadow's motives for making him murder others after the events of the main game, and making him turn even more insane?

You decided to add certain things for seemingly no reason other than "because you could".

Adding notes infront of the player for example. The notes are barely readable and I much rather prefer the classic way of reading notes. It didn't add anything to the overall experience.

Why does it sound like im stepping on cockroaches or ice when I walk on paper?

You randomly add things, or change vanilla assets without any regard of how it will affect gameplay. Changing things just because, doesn't make the mod better necessarily.

----------- Level design flaws: ---------------

Apart from the previously mentioned things about the fire not having any sounds and for some reason not being put out in a rainstorm, or spreading at all inside the house, when I returned to the village afterwards, a boxlight suddenly appeared and disappeared as I took a step back/forward. See pictures here:

Other flaws include floors and other items not being properly connected, things floating in the air and one room having a bunch of windows, but only one of them with a spotlight and billboards, while the other windows do not (the one window with light shouldn't have light, though, since it's pitch black outside).

------- Final thoughts -------

I don't hate this mod, but I think there's a lot of room for improvements too. It tries to be different. Sometimes it does that in creative ways, while other times it falls flat.

I always respect authors that wants to learn and improve. This attitude you have of "screw you, if I want to put unnecessary stuff in my mod and make it 1-1.3GB larger than it needs to be, I will do that" is the type of attitude I don't appreciate at all, and I hope you open your mind more during your next project.

5/10 - Average


Wonderful cs

Great job done. This mode is mainly about a story that also has psychological depth. The thinking and actions of the characters are elaborate and contain numerous reflections on various topics. That's why I didn't mind the longer animations. This is one of the most intelligent stories in Amnesia. In other aspects, it's only a slight above average (level design, scripts, puzzles, events), however, the story reliably overcomes any negatives. I recommend everyone to play the creator's older mod called Return to Castle Brennenburg, which is actually a prequel to this mod.




Well... OMG. Best cs i have EVER played. Atmospheric... everything's just fine! Will you make ch. 2 sometime?