The "SCP: CB Nine Tailed Fox Mod" is a modification of the game "SCP: Containment Breach" and it will swap the role from the Class-D Subject D-9341 to one of the MTF Units from the group E-11 (Nine Tailed Fox). This mod is adding new mechanics, such as adding functional guns, having a "health" bar for the kevlar and so on. It will also add lots of new SCPs, NPCs, Rooms and other cool features to SCP:CB. The mod is currently in Alpha state.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 106)

I hope you do good for the v0.2.0 this is all the support that I can give to you

This mod is ******* awesome

Mod is still growing and can't wait to try it out when 2.0 comes out.

Game Looks Amazing!

so good

MTF are my favorite character in the game. This mod is good, it's in development so there are a few bugs and lags in the game but the devs are working to get fixed.


ProNightmare says

May contain spoilers Agree (3) Disagree

this is a good mod :)

its hard to says there are missing files... please help me

It's an amazing idea for a mod, but sadly it's not yet in any state that you could call playable. The most common enemies in this game, rogue D-Class prisoners, are regularly invincible. You simply can't kill them, but they can still shoot you up for good.

I'm failing to comprehend how a mod with such game-breaking bugs could achieve an average rating of 9 out of 10.

But I'll gladly revise my review when version 0.2.0 comes out.

always says "Memory access violation" or "Unable to create 3D scene" on launch PLUS the resolution menu's text is pitch black so i cant see what res im choosing and YET GODDAMN AGAIN the menu has MISSING TEXTURES. i did everything in the instructions and took 2 hours to work my *** off and it profited me nothing. ---rep