Hello, I am the creator of the Ao oni mod for SCP - Containment Breach. I make other mods as well, but that one is the main focus and the only one as of now. I support other mod/game developers and help out with certain projects.

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So, I've been silent here for a pretty long time and that's mainly because I have some personal stuff irl I have been taking care of and another reason is... Well, I don't really have anything new to update on, project-wise as for most of them I had left achieved and deleted some for very obvious reasons I will be going into detail here. I want to first say, that I've changed since these past years as I continue to support a few of my favorite communities and looking back here at my profile I've realized just how I came here, what I've done, and the many other things I regret making that I see and understand most of the comments to some of my mods I've made for SCP - Containment Breach. Not only here though, but on another site related to such. I've made a lot of bad cringy mods that I most certainly regret making up to this point. And I will agree that while I was young at the time and didn't know better, one thing I didn't think I would get is any attention from it but I shouldn't have been surprised at all considering the fact that the game SCP - Containment Breach was very popular at the time and mods like the Nine Tailed Fox mod was getting a lot of popularity and very positive reviews(as it should be) as it's a mod that takes a whole concept that wasn't done by anybody or at least wasn't a concept that was fully made and done. The idea of taking the role of one of the Nine Tailed Fox units was really interested and cool concept that I have to give ENDSHN credit for making it a reality for us. There were other mods out there that were also pretty popular to a similar degree such as Box of Horrors, Fan Breach, and Project Resurrection which combines both of those mods together into one as well as some SCPs that didn't make it to the original base game. There were also some pretty good retextured mods out there that even changed some of the models which is really cool to see at the time like the Slender mod. I started falling in love with mods and once I found out I could make some of my own I started doing that creating some random and crappy mods that were either using MS paint to edit the textures and either replace them with random assets I found on Google or from a different mod cause it looked cool and wanted to see what it would look like in my own mod and I was shock to see how everything played out. Of course, at times there were memory access violations I had to deal with either because an asset was missing or I had no idea what I was doing with the code when I started learning how to modify that lol. These all at the time were personal projects of mine that are long gone before I started sharing a few that I made. There was one that you may know up to this day as it's one of my most popular ones being the Ao oni mod for SCP-CB. At the time I was making it was when I had my old laptop it started off as a personal project of mine but once I had gotten a new one and moved the mod over to that. I continued working on it, at the time this was when I had uploaded the more rooms mod publicly as one of my first mods where I try an idea of my own I had in mind, I can't remember the exact time I made that mod but it was definitely around when the more rooms mod was out and everything(I think I had three versions uploaded at that time but I probably didn't. It might've been when I had made everything and even changed the name to extra rooms mod). The very first version that's uploaded Ao oni mod page is where it started off on. Actionmaker2321, isn't a real user if that wasn't hard to tell by the descriptions I made in the past in some of the updates for the Ao oni mod. It is a fake account I created for the sole purpose of being a second developer, I really have no idea what I had in mind or why even I thought that I needed to do that at the time. There was not meant to be no impersonation or anything, I think it was just so I felt like I had someone else here to help me because I thought that every game at the time should have at least someone else to help out and while that's not a bad thing which is probably why I had created it but seeing how there are creators out there who can make games/mods on their own with little to no help with anyone else really shown me that there was no reason to do this and it wouldn't make a difference I had came out on my own with a mod like that and took full credit on my own like I should've at the time for most that was done back there was my doing. There's a lot more depth I can go into about the history of the mod but I've already created a long enough blog post here to come clean and share some info about myself and my past mistakes that I've made and greatly regret them. I've been going through some dark stuff in the past then and even when I had gotten in the better position when I was working with big projects that I was apart of such as the Ultimate Edition and SCP-087-B mod for SCP - Containment Brach (the latest one by the Containment Breach B-Team which I was also apart of). I had distance myself from all these groups not only to focus on my personal life but to push myself away as I started having doubts in my skills and kept telling myself I can't do this, I don't have what it takes. I'm not even trying, etc, etc." just more bad thoughts that made me more lazy and gave me an excuse to be. I almost wanted to remove myself out from the groups because of my continuous thoughts of not feeling like I fit with all the talented people who were in there. But that changed when I started getting better and improving my overall health, when I graduated and everything else that happened. I was proud of myself and I gladly am, I had gotten some help at the time before I graduated so I could fight off those bad thoughts I had as it was a bit of a struggle but then I opened my eyes and seen that while my talent isn't 3D modeling, texture editing or even coding there were definitely other talents I had that I should've given myself more credit for, nowadays I do. But there were some messes I wanted to clean up and come forth to and explain myself, now that I'm less shy and more confident in having a better time explaining myself I figure now would be the perfect time do so since I still continue to support SCP - Containment Breach and follow up on the game itself and the friends I've made in the modding community as well a franchise that pretty much changed my life. SCP well alone in general as well, the idea itself, I'm a fan of it all. While I'm not active in the community I want to be again at some point. Just to follow up on small projects some creators are making as of now. I'm not entirely sure when I'll be active period up to this point but I'm sure the future will tell. You guys deserve to know the truth and I don't really have any point in keeping this hidden. I'm sorry for all of this that happened. There were without a doubt a lot great memories I had back there though, with everybody I met and was able to help out with some projects of their own I had high hopes for. Such as the Ultimate Edition at the time when it was a simple mod that combines other mods together in one which really shocked me considering that this was an idea I had in mind at the time right before I had seen it on the mods page. I still to this day can't believe what had happened back there. I wouldn't be where I am right now if it wasn't for that. I had continued supporting the creator Jabka who made the Ultimate Edition mod giving him some good feedback and eventually I would join him in making the mod and helping him test it everything. Giving ideas, and help out with finding a lot of great mods and see if they could be featured in our own. While at the time I still had my problems I faced at the time we still were successful on the making probably one of the best mods at the time that ended up on the official moddb's channel being titled "SCPs On The Loose". As well as the many different YouTubers that played it and some of my top favorite SCP YouTubers playing it too was really fun to watch and I just had a smile the whole time. However, when I seen more and more of it I started thinking and realizing that I was there as one of the creators. well... I felt happy, but at the same time a bit worried. As I wasn't sure if I had what it takes to continue being one of the developers of the Ultimate Edition mod and seeing how I have a bad experience when it came to making mods from the base game and in general, I probably wouldn't be fit for the rest which is mostly what resulted in having those thoughts and ended up pushing myself away from the groups and focus more on irl stuff; perhaps it was for the best that I did that. I was satisfied with what I had done and Jabka was too with the whole project.

Little fun fact, I was responsible for quite a few ideas/executions here when we were working on UD:

  • The menu title went through some changes compared to how the final one looked like, here are some I did myself:

(The first title I made using the loading screen background image from the original game)

(The final version of the previous title edited by Jabka)

(Both of these were ones fans have made for us before the final would be decided being the second image)

  • At the time before we thought about adding 457 to the game I had thought SCP-017 being a cool and nice addition to the game adding something new. This idea was based off of the unused files of SCP-017 in the Ninetailed Fox mod v1.0. Which was scrapped, I wanted to bring the idea to life creating the npc based off of my depiction on how it would've been like if it was in the game with the sounds and everything. When I started working on SCP-017 I used SCP-106's old model as it would be a perfect use for it to start with. It was pretty easy to work with considering the fact that 017 is a dark entity with no other colors to them or any other features to them. However I did want to work on giving an extending jaw kind of like 096's model, the old and new one (mostly the old one). The reason being to make it was to compliment it's screeching sound that would've been played if it encountered D-9341 and starts charging at him. He would've taken 457's containment chamber and possibly have some changes made to it so that it's more accurate to what SCP-017's room would've looked like down there in the tunnels. It would've also been able to appear in different tunnel areas, such as the maintenance tunnels and other construction tunnels. It would also have 457's fire effects but with the smoke texture used instead. Me and Jabka would discuss on rather 457 should added to the game or 017. We decided that SCP-457 should be added, as it's easier and already mostly done and while SCP-017 would've been a cool concept to have in the game not much was planned well except for the ideas I had in mind. But due to my lack of being able to edit models or recreate any, and having to make code for the npc and everything else to make it function at the time turned out to be a bit complicated to do so we scrapped it and SCP-457 was officially added to the game. There's definitely some information about it's possible addition scattered somewhere, on the UD page. I do however have some left over files over on my computer as well as a preview of the model and textures together:

(SCP-017's eyes with spec)

(SCP-017's face or rather, the mouth texture as it's used only for that with the spec)

And the model which can be found here on the Russian wiki: Static.wikia.nocookie.net

While it does have the old 106body texture as a placeholder there was a texture for the body I did that's completely black.

(SCP-017's own overlay that was gonna be used for it's smoke effect)

(SCP-017's label for it's containment chamber)

(SCP-017 screen that is edited from the old one I made that I don't have anymore, probably because it wasn't good and this one was perfect. I think Jabka made this one from what I remember)

  • Another one I made was the 008zombie guard which is an edited version of the original zombieguard just with a few small changes that would fit with 008's infection. I also created the 008zombiebreath sound which is a deeper pitch version of the original one to separate the two different types of zombies to make it a little easier to tell which zombie is a 008 and 049 variant:

(Small edit with the original helmet texture with blood decals pasted on there)

(Zombie texture with more blood)

While in the latest version there is a better version of that texture with more details that someone else made I'm pretty proud of the idea and the attempt at trying to create a different texture although they look the same as the original. I wanted to add another zombieguard to the game that had been infected with 008 that could fit perfectly in the medibay in the light containment zone. There are some other zombie textures that have been worked and have changed completely in the latest version. I may show them at some point if I can.

That's all I have to say and show about that, I really had a great time working with Jabka and while it might've been challenging for both of us to work together since we both don't speak the same language, we communicated pretty well in English and got what we wanted to get done in the end. Jabka is now working on the original SCP - Containment Breach game with the crew as he is officially a developer for their team. I'm very proud of him and I know he couldn't have done it without me and rest of the Ultimate Edition team and community who have helped him get to where he is now. Looking back now I don't think I needed to give myself too much doubt as I seen what I've done for not only him but the community I'm continuing to support outside of Ultimate Edition. There great creators here who I've met and got to help out with as well with a few things and I'm proud I could make myself useful other than just create crappy mods of my own that don't have as much to them other than to just exist. While the Ao Oni mod is my most successful one and only one I have that I can say is a work of my own that I didn't just grab from someone else. I have to come to a point where I need to decide on rather it's worth it to keep something up that I'm never going to come back to or have any point in working back on. Which leads me to what the reason why I deleted some of my old mods that was mentioned at the start of this huge blog post, wow... Anyways, yeah there's no point in keeping those old mods up as they are just mostly stolen assets, crappy edits, and bad cringy voice recordings I did with my voice. I was getting tired of seeing them and felt embarrassed keeping them up so I got rid of them, most of what I could at least. I will still try and see if I can get in contact with an admin and see if I can have the others removed. But ones like the more rooms mod. Older versions of the Ao Oni mod. etc. have been deleted. I've moved on and have focused on learning how to code and make simple games and possibly see if I can start making 3D models, learn how to work them with some engines I found that I can use. And textures, while I've already learn how they work figure out how to make them myself. There's one more person I have to thank for everything before I say my last words here. I would like to thank Mleczyk76 for giving me a hand with some mods as the only second developer who helped out with the Ao oni mod giving it the textures and other models/assets what they need to fit with the theme. If it weren't for them I wouldn't have taken a big step to change the Ao oni mod for the better and take it more seriously with what I am aiming for which was to combine two of my favorite classical horror games, being SCP - Containment Breach, and Ao Oni together. I wasn't sure about everything I wanted to go for when it came to changing all the SCPs in the game other than 173, 106, 372, and 049. Giving all of them ONI at the end and make a few of them bigger which would work considering the different types of Ao onis were in the game I could do a similar concept like with 173 turning into an Ao oni being bigger than it's original size as a good example. And 106 can be the main blue demon that chases from original game. Big thanks to Mleczyk76 for making the head on 106's model big xD who knew that would make it such a well fitting touch. I appreciate all the help I got from you man if you see this. While there were some other projects he helped me out on I ended up taking down as while they were made better I didn't want them to stay public and had ended up scrapping them completely. I don't where they could be as of now but I don't really care all too much to go and look for them again. If I do tho I will probably keep some stuff for future projects of mine if I ever end up making any new ones.

That's all I have to say about everything, for any questions that may be asked regarding the Ao oni mod such as "will you be continuing the mod?" and to answer that, yes. I will, but only to get v1.3.11 out as I've been working on but kinda left it to where I left off at a while back. I didn't feel like working on what I had planned but I will probably scrapped all that I had in mind and just make it a port to the new version with some changes that will also applied to the latest version on the moddb page. If there's any patches, those will be removed and patched onto the game before releasing it. "How long will it take to have it released?" Idk, I like to work on my own time and I'm not really in much of a hurry to get it done anyways so I will probably release it as soon after I make an update post letting you all know when I have started working on it. "Will there be any ports like Ultimate Edition or Project Resurrection?" No, I will keep it on the base game and will remain as a retextured mod for SCP - Containment Breach with a few easter eggs here and there. Thank you all so much for your support and giving me your thoughts on the game even if there were some that are harsh I appreciate your honest opinion on the game and pointing out the problems you were having with this mod and the issue I didn't realize nor cared about pointing out at the time as I just chose to ignore it as it's just hate messages which was wrong for me to do as there was a very valid point that was being given/pointed out other than just flat out insulting words like "screw you" or "you suck" that aren't just being said. I now know what the difference between hate talk and actual feedback is. Feedback is always important, rather it be the ratings and messages sent in the reviews or the comments sent down into the games. I don't expect all of my games/mods to get any positive reviews or negative reviews I just want to make some mods for fun and get better at making them too. Even though my mods aren't that good compared to some out there, I'm still happy the impact a few of them made on others and my pure dedication I have to help others out with their own mods. I'm also making some games of my own as well too so that dream of becoming a developer of my own one day has came true :)

Thank you all that have helped and supported me once again, couldn't have done it without you, take it easy and remember everyone has talent and can do anything they want to. You can too! :D

Note: The Actionmaker2321 account I made will be removed. I don't think I need to establish on why it's going to be gone.

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Containment Breach B-Team

Containment Breach B-Team

7 members Developer & Publisher

"Containment Breach B" Team is a team of developers working on SCP Containment Breach 087-B mod.

Ultimate Edition Team

Ultimate Edition Team

3 members Fans & Clans

Hello, I am opening a new group by Ultimate Edition mod. Here will be uploaded the latest mod news and events....

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Mleczyk76 - - 45 comments

About helping you with Ao Oni mod,
You're welcome, it was kinda fun working on it not to mention that it was one from very first mods which I worked on. Good luck with ur future projects

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