NLC 7 Hard Edition (HE) is a highly customizable and updated version of the acclaimed NLC 7 mod, designed for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl. Developed by Kotovod with contributions from the Russian-speaking NLC community, this edition enhances the original experience with numerous improvements and features. Notably, it includes a top-tier English translation powered by ChatGPT 4.0, making it the only NLC version with such a comprehensive localization. Dive into a richly detailed and challenging journey through the Zone, with unique gameplay mechanics, an intricate narrative, and unparalleled depth.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 11)

Had to take a break or else i might die from high blood pressure, i swear.. Extremely hard mod. Visuals are great yet it isn't heavy on system requirements, so the authors behind this mod optimized it well. Translation is ok for a machine one but sometimes things are translated too literal so it breaks immersion.

things i hate about this mod that doesn't make sense to me is the extra power that mutants have. Ok it does make sense with pseudodogs but the zombies making you hungry and tushkanos have range attacks? c'mon this is a bit ******** imho.

I stopped playing after finishing guts quests, got a bit jaded but might return to it later because it's definitely an interesting mod.

this mod is like my abusive wife


I am a vegetable that likes to eat Sid's a$$.

love stalker community

This puts hair on your chest.


One of the most rewarding and challenging adventures I've ever undertaken in gaming

This is the major breakthrough of the western Stalker community.

this is amazing. peak stalker. everyone should play this 24/7. quit your job, play nlc instead. nlc is love. nlc is life

Not only the most ambitious and brilliant S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod, but one of the best games ever made, excelling in nonlinear quest design like few others, writing quality, gameplay progression over 100+ hours, brilliant hardcore survival FPS gameplay, and more. The attention to detail is off the charts.

All low ratings = player skill issue, since as you'll see they complain about nothing but difficulty (don't play on author's difficulty mode).